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Ranking Threads...

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  • Ranking Threads...

    I was wondering if the "ranking limit" could be turned back on, where rankings are either disabled or not shown at all unless there is a minimum number of votes (which is close to the same thing). They don't add anything and are annoying eye-catchers when expanding the list. Just look at the OT now, somebody went through and voted for almost every thread and gave it a one-star ranking. Gee, thanks, that really helps enrich the forums. Even a ranking limit of 2 votes would help stop things like that.
    All syllogisms have three parts.
    Therefore this is not a syllogism.

  • #2
    correct the error

    rate them too!
    Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
    Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


    • #3
      Except I don't really care about rating random threads that will sink and be forgotten within a week. And the few threads that aren't forgotten won't be remembered for their ranking, it'll be for the ideas or fun that was in them.

      Maybe I should rephrase. Ignore the bit about the person who went through and ranked everything a one. More to the point, the rankings are pointless and unhelpful. So few people (rightly) use it that a rating means next to nothing as a popularity indicator, and even if enough people used it to make the rankings relevant, I still wouldn't care. So we have a useless in theory AND in practice screen clutter. My complaint about the person who went through ranking everything a 1 wasn't that this was incorrect (most rankings are unhlpeful anyway), it was that now rankings appeared for all the threads in the OT when I'd rather not see any at all.

      At least could there be a feature to not show the rankings? This might be a part of the "Apolyton Lite" package already, but it'd be useful for people who don't want to go completely Lite as well.

      It's not like Apolyton will crash and die a horrible death if rankings are kept around, it's more like a minor annoyance. Still...
      All syllogisms have three parts.
      Therefore this is not a syllogism.


      • #4
        Originally posted by MarkG
        correct the error

        rate them too!
        What is it with you and rankings? The Links system which could be quite good struggles under the weight of needless extra clicks/redirects from "rankings" which aren't used...

