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pictures give me pleasure

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  • pictures give me pleasure

    If you want to raise the site content grade from A- to A+, add more pictures into the news items.

    For instance, there was a news item about a George Bush mod pack for Civ3, with no picture. Now surely all of us (even who don't have Civ3) would want to see one screen shot of that. Also, often a screenshot makes it easier to decide wether to spend the time to download something.

    A picture is worth a thousand words...

  • #2
    Two thumbs up

    12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
    Stadtluft Macht Frei
    Killing it is the new killing it
    Ultima Ratio Regum


    • #3
      hey, anyone know where i can make a request from 12 more hours per day?
      Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
      Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


      • #4
        Originally posted by MarkG
        hey, anyone know where i can make a request from 12 more hours per day?
        Turn your clock back twelve hours...


        • #5
          Wouldn't adding pictures cause more server load, and slow things down again?
          'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
          - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


          • #6
            Originally posted by MarkG
            hey, anyone know where i can make a request from 12 more hours per day?
            LOL, MARK.

            (Big Clinton emotional tone) "I fel your pain!"

            Can the volunteers help? Me?


            • #7
              I agree.

              Let's have more aids in news posting.


              • #8
                We will see what we can do, GP, but as Markos pointed out there is a lot of news material to cover on an ongoing basis -- especially in recent weeks -- and getting the story out accurately, efficiently and quickly is the top priority. Indeed images with news stories a nice touch and while a "picture is worth a thousand words", the question that always must always come to mind is whether or not those words effectively describe what it attempting to depict.

                Also, note that by following the links provided in a majority of news stories you can see some sort of pictoral representation of the full content (e.g. links that point to threads in the "CivIII Files" forum is a good example).

                Dan; Apolyton CS
                PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
                >> PolyCast (Civ strategy), ModCast (Civ modding), TurnCast (Civ multiplay); One More Turn Dramedy


                • #9
                  Well, maybe it's been said before, but to Mark, Dan and the rest of the staff who has been overloaded by additional work in this, Apolyton's "finest hour".
                  12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
                  Stadtluft Macht Frei
                  Killing it is the new killing it
                  Ultima Ratio Regum

