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I'm going to sue Apolyton for giving me seizures

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  • #16
    Oh, yes I think it is more of a liability for the advertiser.

    I thought apolyton had some sort of control(like limiting certain kinds of ads) over what the banners showed.

    Anyway, I turned of animated gif's on my web browser so now I only see stationary ad's.


    • #17
      Originally posted by barefootbadass
      I can't believe there is even one person that voted banana(to keep the banner). You guys do know that 'Yes' means you want rid of the banner right?
      It's a marketing ploy. Put something really interesting or unusual next to the product you want to sell. People are drawn to the interesting gimick, and, as a result, will usually buy your product.

      In this case, by putting 'banana' as a choice instead of a 'no', you catch people's attention. People hit 'banana' because it's an interesting choice.

      Personally, I could care less about the flashing banners. It's the annoying pop up ads that I keep seeing that annoy me.



      • #18
        What are you going to demand as compensation? Deity status?
        "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver

