Well, us Apolytoners haven't discussed the last two episodes, so now's a good a time as any.
The Andorian Incident
The Good
-Actor Jeffery Coombs ("Weyoun" from DS9)
-The improved makeup...the Andorians looked more intimidating.
- Archer and Trip able to work as a team very easily.
The Bad
-The so-called rescue mission. Why didn't they shoot from holes in the wall, rathar than blasting one?
-What, no stun grenades?
-The Enterprise could make a map of the Terra Novans tunnels, but not see that big ole listening post?
Breaking the Ice
The Good
-Well, I liked the whole Irish schoolkid thing. Yes it was filler, but at least it was well done. It's something NASA would've done...
-The Vulcan ship: Can anyone tell me what movie that type was seen in?
-At least T'Pol wasn't purposefully sending messages to the Vulcan High command. Glad they got the whole "mating" thing out of the way for her.
The Bad
-The main Plot....feels....Voyagerish.
-Archer should've accepted the offer of help first thing. Starfleet picked a Captain that was a bit too proud.
The Andorian Incident
The Good
-Actor Jeffery Coombs ("Weyoun" from DS9)
-The improved makeup...the Andorians looked more intimidating.
- Archer and Trip able to work as a team very easily.
The Bad
-The so-called rescue mission. Why didn't they shoot from holes in the wall, rathar than blasting one?
-What, no stun grenades?
-The Enterprise could make a map of the Terra Novans tunnels, but not see that big ole listening post?
Breaking the Ice
The Good
-Well, I liked the whole Irish schoolkid thing. Yes it was filler, but at least it was well done. It's something NASA would've done...
-The Vulcan ship: Can anyone tell me what movie that type was seen in?

-At least T'Pol wasn't purposefully sending messages to the Vulcan High command. Glad they got the whole "mating" thing out of the way for her.
The Bad
-The main Plot....feels....Voyagerish.
-Archer should've accepted the offer of help first thing. Starfleet picked a Captain that was a bit too proud.