In the past days (IMHO) there's been
chaos in the Civ III General forum, when new
threads have poped up like mushrooms and
for once you have had to check the previous
page/s for those threads you subscribed to
(I don't mean it's unusual, but I has become
much more common in these days).
But what has caused this? The approach of "that Day"?
Perhaps, but I think the reason is that there's not
proper forums for all Civ III related discussions.
First of all, the Civ II Creation forum is half empty.
Of course it's true that most scenario makers
might prefer the Scenario League, but still;
it's silly. The admins might blame spam,
but I don't see that as the reason for this
"chaos". AFAIK you, the Ape team (at least Markos),
has strengthened your spam surveillance, and as a
result of that many threads has been closed.
Well, I don't say that you're trying to limit
free speech, but I actually think that those
acts haven't brought better order to the Ape's forums.
If Markos & company could finally remove
the Civ III wishlist forum and move it's contents into
the archive (don't misunderstand me; I don't
want to destroy its contents). BTW, I can offer free and
ad-free storage space for it, but I want to see
some results first.
Secondly, these following groups
should be formed (I'll post a poll on them):
Civ III - Strategy
Civ III - Scenarios
Civ III - Customising
The Civ III - General would remain as before,
but the Civ III - Civilizations could be renamed
to Civ III - Future development.
The "EP's civs discussion" could continue there, and
the MP could also be debated in that group.
So everything related to futher development of
the game done by Firaxis, would be found in one group.
By doing these modifications, the posters
could easily find relevant groups for they
messages, without causing a massive flow of
postings into one single group.
Markos has earlier replied that there would
be one or two new Civ III groups coming up,
but I think all the Civ III forums should be
reorganised. And it should be done as soon as possible.
Members! You can take part in the election
under the "Forum reformations poll" thread.
chaos in the Civ III General forum, when new
threads have poped up like mushrooms and
for once you have had to check the previous
page/s for those threads you subscribed to
(I don't mean it's unusual, but I has become
much more common in these days).
But what has caused this? The approach of "that Day"?
Perhaps, but I think the reason is that there's not
proper forums for all Civ III related discussions.
First of all, the Civ II Creation forum is half empty.
Of course it's true that most scenario makers
might prefer the Scenario League, but still;
it's silly. The admins might blame spam,
but I don't see that as the reason for this
"chaos". AFAIK you, the Ape team (at least Markos),
has strengthened your spam surveillance, and as a
result of that many threads has been closed.
Well, I don't say that you're trying to limit
free speech, but I actually think that those
acts haven't brought better order to the Ape's forums.
If Markos & company could finally remove
the Civ III wishlist forum and move it's contents into
the archive (don't misunderstand me; I don't
want to destroy its contents). BTW, I can offer free and
ad-free storage space for it, but I want to see
some results first.
Secondly, these following groups
should be formed (I'll post a poll on them):
Civ III - Strategy
Civ III - Scenarios
Civ III - Customising
The Civ III - General would remain as before,
but the Civ III - Civilizations could be renamed
to Civ III - Future development.
The "EP's civs discussion" could continue there, and
the MP could also be debated in that group.
So everything related to futher development of
the game done by Firaxis, would be found in one group.
By doing these modifications, the posters
could easily find relevant groups for they
messages, without causing a massive flow of
postings into one single group.
Markos has earlier replied that there would
be one or two new Civ III groups coming up,
but I think all the Civ III forums should be
reorganised. And it should be done as soon as possible.
Members! You can take part in the election
under the "Forum reformations poll" thread.