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"Apolyton Stands"

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  • "Apolyton Stands"

    I'm happy to say i fixed most of my technical dificulties and found time to record the show.

    It's 1/3 done, and now needs to recieve answers to interviews, and I need to recrod some more stuff about the forums.

    It will talk about the posts and opinions rocking the forums and feature some interviews. If you can, record yourself compress in RA or MP3 and send to me. If not, I will read out your text.

    Record yourself answering my questions, or if you want to speak out, just say something relevant = no "hi mom" messages .

    I will probably edit and tweak it a bit, to delte hickups, spaces and make it 10%-30% faster.

    I'm doing that :

    a) to help those who speak not clearly or slowly
    b) to cut show time, so we won't be left with 40 minutes of air time worth 8 MB.

  • #2
    Btw, people who i sent letters to, check your E-mail and PM and reply quickly.


    • #3
      OK I won't spam
      Last edited by History049; September 9, 2001, 20:44.


      • #4
        I am waiting for some interviews.

        Please send me a letter quickly

