[Edit: This thread was bumped from Alpha-Centauri Strategies, which seems fine by me-Smack]
I'm just curious what we TBS die-hards think of the RTS phenomenon.
TBS=Turn Based Strategy RTS=Real Time Strategy
My Opinion?
Well, I enjoy MP real-time...actually, I was quite addicted to Gemstone and Inferno (MUD's: Multi User Dimensions: Non-Graphical...been around a long time.), if those names even ring a bell with you.
I don't think I'd like MP real-time graphical games as well at this point in their development; They appear to be Inferno-esque: simplistic hack and slash. They also seem to be infested with immaturity, neglectful of the potential community-aspect, creative-aspect, and anything other than a 'Need + Greed' economy.
As to SP real-time: Even worse. Really, games like Age of Empires clearly sacrifice strategic depth for an ability to handle real-time. I found one game that was just caustic in this regard..I think it's called Majesty. It's so clear to me that these games attempted to be strategy, then inserted real-time artificially, and ended up with crud. I know lots of people like AoE, but for me, RTS always runs into the dilemma: more control, or more real?. .
Surely, the tactical control of 100's of units will never fall into a single human's hands. Tactics can be real-time, Strategy can be real-time, but the gaming industry is trying to simulate total theatre-control, which is in opposition to Real-time. There are notable exceptions, which I ask you to list in your replies. I'm not going into details. Obviously in MP, pausing the game to control units is a totally different issue.
Then the turn-based strategy games: In SP, they are king. In MP, we need a new solution. MP games that last for months (years?) are fine, but are only part of the possible plans. It would also be nice to have better options for playing rapidly. If any of you have ever played 'Hot-seat' games, you'll know, they are vastly more fun than PBEM, or at least, a nice alternative. Don't get me wrong, I love my PBEM games. I suggest that it should be a continuum from MP RTS to MP PBEM, all in the same game.
Nuff rants from me. I want to hear what you think!
I'm just curious what we TBS die-hards think of the RTS phenomenon.
TBS=Turn Based Strategy RTS=Real Time Strategy
My Opinion?
Well, I enjoy MP real-time...actually, I was quite addicted to Gemstone and Inferno (MUD's: Multi User Dimensions: Non-Graphical...been around a long time.), if those names even ring a bell with you.
I don't think I'd like MP real-time graphical games as well at this point in their development; They appear to be Inferno-esque: simplistic hack and slash. They also seem to be infested with immaturity, neglectful of the potential community-aspect, creative-aspect, and anything other than a 'Need + Greed' economy.
As to SP real-time: Even worse. Really, games like Age of Empires clearly sacrifice strategic depth for an ability to handle real-time. I found one game that was just caustic in this regard..I think it's called Majesty. It's so clear to me that these games attempted to be strategy, then inserted real-time artificially, and ended up with crud. I know lots of people like AoE, but for me, RTS always runs into the dilemma: more control, or more real?. .
Surely, the tactical control of 100's of units will never fall into a single human's hands. Tactics can be real-time, Strategy can be real-time, but the gaming industry is trying to simulate total theatre-control, which is in opposition to Real-time. There are notable exceptions, which I ask you to list in your replies. I'm not going into details. Obviously in MP, pausing the game to control units is a totally different issue.
Then the turn-based strategy games: In SP, they are king. In MP, we need a new solution. MP games that last for months (years?) are fine, but are only part of the possible plans. It would also be nice to have better options for playing rapidly. If any of you have ever played 'Hot-seat' games, you'll know, they are vastly more fun than PBEM, or at least, a nice alternative. Don't get me wrong, I love my PBEM games. I suggest that it should be a continuum from MP RTS to MP PBEM, all in the same game.
Nuff rants from me. I want to hear what you think!