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MArkG: C169 & Netscape not working

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  • MArkG: C169 & Netscape not working

    Godmorning MarkG,
    sadly I have to begin your day with bad news.

    In Netscape the column 169 is locking awfully bad.
    (Take a look at a the attached screencapture, i'll be reading this column with IE)

    P.S. FIRAXIS CivIII site has a similiar problem on "ask the civ team" page.
    (When will they fix it?)
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Why can't you just upgrade to Netscape 6 or Mozilla 0.9 or Opera 5 or IE 5.5 or IE 6.0? There are free versions of all of them, and each one is leapyears ahead of the horrid NS 4.x, which doesn't support near enough modern web standards to display a great deal of websites right.

    I think we've gotten to the point where people should stop asking websites to redesign and recode segments of the page so the user can remain to use a grossly inferior browser, when there are plenty of better free ones available.

    You want it fixed? Get a good browser.
    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


    • #3
      Interesting, very interesting...

      Have you ever written an essay in school?
      Did your teacher grade it?
      If yes, then ask yourself on what basis the grading was done?
      I hope it wasn't the newest streetslang dictrionary and how appealing your face loked to the teacher.

      So, just like in grammatics there are rules, so does a webpage have rules.
      And if you play by the rules, it should appear right on any browser.
      Unfourtanately, most webcompanies, just like gamemakers, have forgotten to make valid output. That doesn't make it acceptable, or do you like buggy games?

      Is it MarkG's fault? NO, it isn't his fault at all. MarkG has been very helpfull in trying to solve these problems. And I have tried to give help/solutions as much as possible. (I would love to get a copy of the code myself, but I cann't php yet.)

      Why do I use 4.74 and not 6, well I have tried 6 and didn't like it.
      (OK, it was also quite buggy then.)
      And why I wanna use NN and not IE - it's a matter of taste.
      (Please let's not debate here about taste - discuss it in OT)

      And I do have IE 5 on my computer as well.
      (When I do a webpage I check compabillity with both of browsers.)

      Ok, why did I complain this time?
      Well, quite apereantly the bug is small and at least I thought it to be funny.
      (And right now didn't have time to check were the fault is myself. Maybe later...)

      And yes, it is quite possible to these forums according to specks and make it look like now. (I am planning it in my head as we speak )


      • #4
        should be ok now....
        Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
        Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


        • #5

          Originally posted by MarkG
          should be ok now....
          Yes, it is fixed and good to read now.


          • #6
            Exactly, Jeje2. There are rules for webpages. NS 4.x doesn't follow them, it's not standards compliant.

            That's why you will get frequent non-display errors on websites.

            You see, browsers must comply with <a href="">W3C's standards</a>, as well as webpages. Considering the site viewed fine in all other browsers, one must assume that NS 4.x doesn't meet the standards. The website was properly written, it's just that your browser is too horrible to display them properly.
            "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
            Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "

