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Markos, I'm serious now

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  • Markos, I'm serious now

    The incessent smilies and avatars and images are a real tunrnoff. They make it very distracting to read the page.

    Perhaps you went a little too far. I've been waiting to see if it would grow on me, like when you changed the color scheme. But I'm getting more turned off. Also seems like your traffic has dropped.

  • #2
    Did you know...


    You can turn off the avatars?

    And smilies are no more rampant now than they were before...
    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


    • #3
      you can turn off avatars. as for smilies, i'm planning to make them a bit "slower"....

      as for traffic...

      new users
      <table width=400><tr><Td width=50 align=right>69</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 22 (May 2001)</td></tr><tr><Td width=50 align=right>114</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 21 (May 2001)</td></tr><tr><Td width=50 align=right>77</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 20 (May 2001)</td></tr><tr><Td width=50 align=right>74</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 19 (May 2001)</td></tr><tr><Td width=50 align=right>71</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 18 (May 2001)</td></tr><tr><Td width=50 align=right>71</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 17 (April 2001)</td></tr><tr><Td width=50 align=right>76</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 16 (April 2001)</td></tr><tr><Td width=50 align=right>83</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 15 (April 2001)</td></tr><tr><Td width=50 align=right>60</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 14 (April 2001)</td></tr><tr><Td width=50 align=right>67</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 13 (March 2001)</td></tr></table>

      <table width=400><tr><Td width=50 align=right>5715</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 22 (May 2001)</td></tr><tr><Td width=50 align=right>10759</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 21 (May 2001)</td></tr><tr><Td width=50 align=right>10268</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 20 (May 2001)</td></tr><tr><Td width=50 align=right>10091</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 19 (May 2001)</td></tr><tr><Td width=50 align=right>9486</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 18 (May 2001)</td></tr><tr><Td width=50 align=right>9781</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 17 (April 2001)</td></tr><tr><Td width=50 align=right>8910</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 16 (April 2001)</td></tr><tr><Td width=50 align=right>6009</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 15 (April 2001)</td></tr><tr><Td width=50 align=right>4250</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 14 (April 2001)</td></tr><tr><Td width=50 align=right>4922</td><td width=350 align=right>Week 13 (March 2001)</td></tr></table>
      Last edited by MarkG; May 31, 2001, 02:24.
      Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
      Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


      • #4
        Exactly why I use light style. And, when I see someone overusing smilies (Saddam, usually), I just edit his post.
        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


        • #5
          I don't think you ought to do that...
          (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
          (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
          (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


          • #6
            Originally posted by Solver
            Exactly why I use light style. And, when I see someone overusing smilies (Saddam, usually), I just edit his post.
            I have found that SMAC PBEM forums tend to be quite easy going in terms of moderation anyway, and if people occassionally put a joke in whilst posting their turn passed on, so be it. My job around there on CGN seems to be more maintenance (closing and opening new PBEM threads when past 150, tracking tournament games down if stalled, etc) rather than disciplining other posters. I just do my task and I find that there has never been any reason to take a serious moderation decision (I have only ever issued one warning for flaming in the best part of a year). Go easy buddy
            Speaking of Erith:

            "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith

