This FAQ was updated on: <font color="red">December 21, 2000</font>
The Apolyton Age & ICQ FAQ contains handles, ages, dates of birth, icq numbers and/or AIM names, as well as previously used handles of hundreds of members of the Apolyton forums. The faq is updated frequently.
If you want any of your data to be added please post a message here, and you'll be added to all relevant parts of the FAQ with the next update.
Part One of the FAQ lists forum members in alphabetical order. You will find all information here, including age, date of birth, ICQ # or AIM handle, and previous handle(s) (if any).
Part Two of the FAQ lists handles of members sorted by their ages.
The Apolyton Birthday Calendar is exactly what its title says: a birthday calendar
Post your date of birth or birthday in here, and you will be added to that thread as well.
Total number of people currently in the faq: -->317<--
Average age of the Apolytoners listed in the faq: -->25.75<-- (as calculated on June 30, 2000, with 247 people of whom the age is known). Calculating the average age will only be done once every 4 months or so.
Scroll down to see part one or two of the FAQ, or click on the links above.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Narck (edited December 21, 2000).]</font>
The Apolyton Age & ICQ FAQ contains handles, ages, dates of birth, icq numbers and/or AIM names, as well as previously used handles of hundreds of members of the Apolyton forums. The faq is updated frequently.
If you want any of your data to be added please post a message here, and you'll be added to all relevant parts of the FAQ with the next update.
Part One of the FAQ lists forum members in alphabetical order. You will find all information here, including age, date of birth, ICQ # or AIM handle, and previous handle(s) (if any).
Part Two of the FAQ lists handles of members sorted by their ages.
The Apolyton Birthday Calendar is exactly what its title says: a birthday calendar

Total number of people currently in the faq: -->317<--
Average age of the Apolytoners listed in the faq: -->25.75<-- (as calculated on June 30, 2000, with 247 people of whom the age is known). Calculating the average age will only be done once every 4 months or so.
Scroll down to see part one or two of the FAQ, or click on the links above.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Narck (edited December 21, 2000).]</font>