I've got a bit interested in web site performance and I'm wondering if you could say something about your stats on page views, hits per month, server useage/space etc. I'm not really after commercial information, which I appreciate would be private, just performance.
Perhaps you could E-mail me if you think its inappropriate to post here?
I've been going to a site for webmasters where they chat about this stuff to learn and it got me wondering because this is a big successful site.
Founder, Dear Leader and Great Helmsman of PROT -the People's Republic Off Topic www.delphi.com/prot1
Perhaps you could E-mail me if you think its inappropriate to post here?
I've been going to a site for webmasters where they chat about this stuff to learn and it got me wondering because this is a big successful site.
Founder, Dear Leader and Great Helmsman of PROT -the People's Republic Off Topic www.delphi.com/prot1