Simple. Their goal is obvious. And since it's such a trivial thing, why not give it to them?
If it becomes clear that a person is spamming JUST for the pupopose of gaining higher levels (emporer or diety) simply, give it to them.
Boost them all the way to emporer, or hell, even diety. I would think that they'd just go away then. Both of the two really bad spammers left when they reached emporer (provostb and djugashvili) and mao, since he reached diety, he still posts, but he doesn't really SPAM anymore, like he used to. SO how about it?
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by connorkimbro (edited March 13, 2001).]</font>
If it becomes clear that a person is spamming JUST for the pupopose of gaining higher levels (emporer or diety) simply, give it to them.
Boost them all the way to emporer, or hell, even diety. I would think that they'd just go away then. Both of the two really bad spammers left when they reached emporer (provostb and djugashvili) and mao, since he reached diety, he still posts, but he doesn't really SPAM anymore, like he used to. SO how about it?

<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by connorkimbro (edited March 13, 2001).]</font>