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Reply button on pm

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  • Reply button on pm

    Does the reply button work?

    I've used it a couple of times and then wondered afterwards. I suppose I could ask the people the replies went to but maybe you can reassure me.

    Would it be better/possible for the reply to be stored with the original message - as in an e-mail?

    While I'm asking this - will it harm the site if I fail periodically to clear out private messages from the box?
    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by East Street Trader (edited February 08, 2001).]</font>

  • #2
    Yes, in my experience, the reply button does work. The replies should be stored in your outbox. And I doubt that there will be problems if you don't clear out the box (except for taking up a bit of space).
    One year at Apolyton with the same username and location!


    • #3
      Well, one or two of the replies are starting to appear but one or two don't. Guess I may just have done something wrong when I sent them.

      Thanks anyway.

      It's certainly a good addition to the facilities of the site.

