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Request for - and comments on - an Apolyton Location FAQ

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  • #46
    Great idea.

    Sprayber:USA, Arkansas, Jonesboro
    Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


    • #47
      Hi there. I expect to get this going on a larger scale in a couple of days. In the meantime, it'd be great if people who want to be included (and who haven't got their location visible in the location field) would post it here.


      • #48
        You may include me in the location faq. My location is in my profile.


        • #49
          Anyway to publicise this in the OTF? I have the feeling that some people never come to this forum at all


          • #50
            The Off Topic is the most important place to do this 'cause that where the weird location fields happen.

            No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary... (And no, koalas don't usually speak!)
            No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary... (And no, koalas don't usually speak!)


            • #51
              I had a thread about this in the OT a month back. It was preliminary, just to see if the idea would gather enough interest for me to go on with the idea. It was well received, and so I made this thread, mainly to ask the admins if they would like the FAQ set up.

              The thread in the OT was called Would you like a location FAQ?. I plan on collecting the most locations from the OT, once I get started (hopefully this week).


              • #52
                Maybe we could bump it and put a link.

                edit: OK, I did a search and it's not there. Was it deleted?

                <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by phoenixcager (edited December 06, 2000).]</font>


                • #53
                  Yeah, it must've been deleted during a clean up session recently. I have a copy of it on my home computer though. I'll give some thought to the question of posting a new thread in the OT, encouraging people to post here if they'd like to be included. Just wait a tic, I'll figure something out shortly.


                  • #54
                    Edinburgh, Scotland.


                    • #55
                      So Legman, have you decided yet?


                      • #56
                        He sure has. As taken from another thread on this forum:

                        <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                        <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                        </font><font size=1>Originally posted by Legman on 12-06-2000 05:54 PM</font>
                        I have nothing further to say here. I'm going to bed now. Don't hang around for any posts by Legman in the near future. And the Location FAQ is now a project of the past. If you have a problem with it, tell it to MarkG.
                        <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

                        However, I predict there is an 85% chance he will be back


                        • #57
                          Hey! I read that thread, but I didn't notice that until you pointed it out
                          Why is he making such a drastic decision?


                          • #58
                            If he's quit then I don't mind doing it at all...

                            No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary... (And no, koalas don't usually speak!)
                            No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary... (And no, koalas don't usually speak!)

