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Any chance threads might be "sticky-fied " more often?

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  • Any chance threads might be "sticky-fied " more often?

    Certainly the Karen Mills thread merited being sticky-fied, and Markos and Dan did a very charitable thing in doing so.

    Now I see a thread in the OT by Reismark concerning orange's 'Apolyton Yearbook', which is very well done, and quite a service to the site.

    Just wondering if there's any chance that this thread might be glued to the top so that extra attention will be drawn to it as happened w/ the Karen Mills thread.

    Long time member @ Apolyton
    Civilization player since the dawn of time

  • #2
    Aw, how cute, Lancer wants to be a troll too

    Fear Horse! The Scourge of Cant!


    • #3
      i thought troll status depended on complaining about how annoying threads that have sticky-fied are.
      Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool


      • #4
        Look Coldwizard, I'm a troll. I know about these things. If someone posts a thread like this only a day after they were involved in a huge fight about the opposite then, consciously or unconsciously, there is more than an element of trolling involved

        I give it a 7. Shows potential.

        Fear Horse! The Scourge of Cant!


        • #5
          Anyone have anything to say relating to the topic at hand?

          I'm going to go post in Reismark's thread on the subject of the Yearbook, see if I can get his opinion on the matter. I'd really like to have a meaningful discussion here.

          Mark, Dan, can something be done regarding threadjacking? Thanks...
          Long time member @ Apolyton
          Civilization player since the dawn of time


          • #6

            No, i don't think it should be stickified as its not as major as the Karen Mills thread, IMO. it could be (and should be) bumped from time to time so that the maximum number of people can see it.

            just my plugged nickel on the subject...
            Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool



            • #7
              I agree with ColdWizard (so are we over yesterday's animosities? )

              The yearbook is good, but hardly covers more than 1% of all the posters here at Apolyton. Actually, it's probably not even 1% of OT posters.

              It's also clearly not in the same league as the other thread.


              • #8
                ColdWizard, thanks for your considered opinion. Mind if I try to change it?

                My thought are this. We see alot of different threads go flying by in the OT. Sure, none is as important as the Karen Mills thread, because we (yourself included) are feeding and housing a very poor family, and several of our group are trying to return to Karen her birthright, Canadian citizenship. What can compare to that is your point I think, yes?

                Well, my answer is...volunteerism. The foundation for giving is experience. For me as regards Karen, it was the incredible experience of meeting Karen and her mother, Sofronia. This was the experience that drove me to volunteer. I'd never met anyone that looked that hungry before, or had such a compelling story, in real life. So I give my time, and effort. We all have a reason for giving. Whatever it is, each of us that helped stepped up to the plate and gave, because of our experience. Certainly there must be folks with heart that didn't give for lack of funds...but perhaps ther's a few w/ heart and funds that didn't give because they don't understand, because they don't have experience.

                I'm thinking that threads of a volunteer sort should be given preference, based on the judgement of the admins of course. There are plenty of the type of folks here that will try to use even volunteerism to draw attention to themselves, and draw their sort of reward from it, whatever that can be, I don't know. Anyway, the admins would have to judge carefully.

                Well, the yearbook is a voluntary service, and I respect it for that reason. Having been part of the Karen Mills thread, indeed Karen Mills and her familiesa lives, I have come to see alot more clearly the meaning of volunteerism, such as this fine yearbook. Hell, such as this SITE! Talk about a revelation.

                Anyway, what happens in the OT? Endless chit chat and passtime. Well, lets seperate the folks and their threads that are doing som,ething for others, and make em special, like Mark did w/ the Apolytoners House for Karen Mills.

                Like we do every day when we come and visit this site, the volunteer effort of MarkG and DanQ.

                phoenixcager, I ran outa gas, see above, thanks.
                Long time member @ Apolyton
                Civilization player since the dawn of time


                • #9
                  Sorry about the spelling mistakes, I'm on my third glass of cheap Cab.

                  Good cheap did have a cork, not a screw top.
                  Long time member @ Apolyton
                  Civilization player since the dawn of time


                  • #10
                    Yes but Lancer, the yearbook is a crock

                    Many people aren't in it, don't like it etc. This proposal is divisive.

                    Fear Horse! The Scourge of Cant!
                    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Alexander's Horse (edited October 19, 2000).]</font>


                    • #11
                      AH, understand that I don't put your opinion, or that of your cronies, very highly.

                      When you expressed the opinion that you were "annoyed" that Karens thread, well, any thread, to be fair, was stuck to the top of the OT I kinda lost interest in what you had to say. To me, that defined you as selfish, since you have the good life in Australia and Karen is living with psycological abuse from relatives, and IT WAS THE THREAD TO HELP HER YOU WERE COMPLAING ABOUT IN YOUR THREAD "Why is the Karen Mills thread stuck to the top of the OT?" (Yet you say it's not about Karen!)...well never mind, you don't care. I base this estimate of you, your character, you personally, Alexanders Horse, the individual, on not only that statement of yours, but, among others, the statement that you found the Karen Mills thread to be "depressing" at the top of the OT even though WE ARE TRYING TO GIVE THIS YOUNG GIRL A PLACE TO LIVE WHERE SHE CAN HAVE SOME SELF ESTEEM. WHERE SHE CAN SPEAK UP FOR HERSELF INSTEAD OF FEARING TO LOSE HER LAST REFUGE. Are you listening??? Don't you care at all??? Are you stone??? Oh, sorry, am I depressing you? Certainly we could just bump the thread, but we wouldn't be finishing up the donations we need, because it wouldn't have gotten the attention it got. IN SPITE OF YOU KAREN WILL HAVE A NEW HOME. Oh, but I'm sorry, it's you getting attention that matters isn't it? Oh too bad, when you bumped your threads they didn't go all the way to the top, they were stopped by that depressing charity thread.

                      MarkG was right, and I could't put it better myself, when he used the word "despicable". You don't like insults? Well how about your insults? You called me alot of nasty stuff, and it's archived to prove it. Remember? You called me a hipocrite priest that ought to shave my head...a 'self styled charity worker', that's spewing "bile" or some crap like this. Anyone want to check it out look at "The Apolytoners House, A Karen Mills Thread" in the OT archive. Also, look at AH's thread still running here in the Apolyton forum.

                      Guilty AH, I'm trying to do something for somebody else. That's charity. "Self styled", whatever, it's getting done. You want to think of it as bile, be my guest. Just don't think you can come into one of my threads and I'm going to give a rats ass about your nasty little opinions.

                      Orange put together a good yearbook. Everyone had a chance to send a pic. If it gets the attention of being sticky them more will send pics next year. Reismarks thread should be sticky, and if only you and your cronies object, hey, who cares?

                      The guy that said you guys opinions were dispicable?


                      Go play games w/ your pals, say nasty things, it's what you do best. Be sure to pick on things that actually mean something, lest you forget.
                      Long time member @ Apolyton
                      Civilization player since the dawn of time


                      • #12
                        Hmmm, somehow I don't think this is about me...I think you've lost perspective there old son.

                        If you want the appeal to get support and Mark and Dan support it, why don't you get them to put a link to the thread in the front page? Not everyone comes to the OT. Most don't in fact. Then everybody is happy.

                        I'll ignore the rest of your little rant.

                        Fear Horse! The Scourge of Cant!


                        • #13
                          About making the thread about the Apolyton Yearbook sticky:

                          Wouldn't a link from the news item or whatever it is (next to the inbox upper left on the forum page) serve the same purpose as making this sticky?

                          The link could remain there inbetween more urgent announcements from the moderators (which I believe would be most of the time), thus attracting even more attention than stickyfying it.


                          • #14
                            I'm not your son AH.

                            Legman, or, to give it attention, we could just make it sticky in the OT.
                            Long time member @ Apolyton
                            Civilization player since the dawn of time


                            • #15
                              I think a direct link to the Yearbook itself would be better, don't you Lancer?

