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What Does Apolyton Mean?

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  • What Does Apolyton Mean?

    Does the word Apolyton mean anything (in Greek or any other language)? If so, what?

    Emperor Oogkloot the Somewhat Acceptable

  • #2
    See our <A HREF="">History section</A>.

    Dan; Apolyton CS


    • #3
      It's a lie! All lies! Lies!

      *Mao gets dragged away by DarkolingosQ*
      Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


      • #4
        some people say it means ultimate (FAQ)

        but I heard other things...


        • #5
          To me Apolyton means fun
          Apolyton Empress
          "Tongue tied and twisted, just and earth bound misfit..."

          "Sanity is the playground for the unimaginative" --found on a bathroom wall


          • #6
            Empress has the right idea! We should all look to see what Apolyton means to each and every one of us.
            Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


            • #7
              NO no no!

              I worked this out before:



              ton=unit of measurement (ton)

              So Apolyton is "Without much weight" So Apolyton is all fluff and hollow.
              Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


              • #8
                and you're a spammer, Mao!

                and me too


                • #9
                  <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                  <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                  It means rural.

                  A = without (as in a-theist, without belief in god)
                  Poly = many (as in polynomial, which is a mathetical thing, or polystyrene, a plastic)
                  Ton = town (common prefix, for example Princeton, town of princes)

                  A-poly-ton therefore means "without many towns", or "rural".

                  So, we visit the Rural Civilization Site (in English).
                  <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

                  - from Apolyton Off-Topic a way back.
                  <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Nimrod. (edited August 01, 2000).]</font>


                  • #10
                    A= Meaning nothing again

                    Poly= Meaning many

                    Ton= The state of being smart

                    So that mean we're a bunch of people devoid of being smart!

                    The Brain: Weirdo who takes modern culture and stabs it in the eye
                    -Founder of DoH!
                    -Do you want fries with that?
                    -They can take our lives, and our house, and our family, and our horses, and our...
                    -Worship Satin, yes Satin. It's not a typo.
                    -Visit DoH, or else!
                    -Is this sig going to cut off abruptl--
                    The Brain: Weirdo who takes modern culture and stabs it in the eye
                    I am the Tofu, you are the Anti-Christ. Goob goob kajoob.


                    • #11
                      I thought we'd been though this before.

                      It is suppsed to mean ultimate i.e. last.

                      As in "Apolyton, civilization site" --> "last, civilization site"

                      Or in other words, it's the last place you'd look, for information on Civilization.


                      • #12
                        OK thanks...I thought it would mean ultimate...
                        Perhaps this should be added to the FAQ? I didn't even know there was a history section.


                        • #13
                          Do people really even care that much about what it means?
                          Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                          • #14
                            I always thought Apolyton was the angel of the abyss, called Abbadon in aramaic, it's in Revelations in some bibles


                            • #15
                              <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                              <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                              </font><font size=1>Originally posted by Mao on 08-09-2000 01:20 PM</font>
                              Do people really even care that much about what it means?
                              <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>


                              "You spam more about mao's post count than mao spams himself!" - A certain unnamed apolytoner

                              "And paul, hes a hopeless dork"... thanks a lot speer

                              "...Crazy paul..." - Pretty much everyone

                              Warning: this topic may unduly excite any hetrosexual virgin child men who read this

