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Why I am here?

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  • Why I am here?

    Dear All, hi there!
    This is my very first posting in these forums.
    Since I am going to stay here awhile let me introduce myself, if you don't mind.
    I am LX. (enough of my anonymous and unremarkable self for the start, can add only that I was playing "Sid Meyer's Civilization" long before Mr. Gates realised that "do it fast" pays more than "make it reliable")

    Why I am here?
    I came across Apolyton (what's in that name - virtual Apolitisized society?) while searching for the answer to very annoying problem - CivCTP crashes. They kept torturing me for millenia, usually just after it was becoming clear to AI as well as to me that I will become the greatest of all emperors on this tiny planet. Oh, I was so envious of those lucky ones who hated CTP from the first glance and did not know the pain of reloading game dozen times trying to change the fluctuations of history to avoid another time-trap. Oh yes, I've found the patch, I brought it home, I installed it, I launched the game. It did not start. I restarted PC. It did not start. I reinstalled CTP. I've found the guy with the same problem who already sought the answer here at Apolyton. He did not help me, but he spared me from reinstalling my complete Windows system. I tried everything and I failed.

    Now I am content. I have found cure to my sorrows. Now I read Civ threads. Seriously, I praise the circumstances that brought me here. This is a community to which Civ's developers listen, and that makes a hell of difference. Now I can [hope to] share my experience and ideas with the guys who will [occasionally] listen to me. Do you understand what does it mean to have a 10-years' worth of hidden love and almost nobody to understand let alone appreciate it? I have so-o many cool ideas I want to share... Pity that almost all of them had been already expressed here ("I wrote a wonderful play last week, but today I've found the same play was written by Shakespear some years before..." . But somehow I feel that I can bring some refreshment here.

    By the way, how about an idea of establishing separate forum, or sort of FAQ, for members to introduce themselves? To let people say who they are and what in Civ games they like and what they don't? That way people here would become more personalised. On the other hand, given described personalities and gaming preferences, this would provide a source for analysis of gamers' profiles and lead to the End of Civ Split and to the Great Civ Unification. Imagine initial Civ setup that leads user through a questionnary to build his psychological portrait and adapt game defaults accordingly! A joke (is it?).

    OK, here I am. Do you accept me?

    <><><><><><>&l t;><><><><><>< >
    BR, LX
    "There are only THREE types of people on Earth: those who can count, and those who cannot..."(©?)
    BR, LX
    "There are only THREE types of people on Earth: those who can count, and those who cannot..."(©?)

  • #2
    May I be the first to welcome you to our humble little community, and hope that your time here will be enjoyable and productive. (Psst... you should have posted this in Off-Topic - more would have noticed).

    "Please provide the date of your death." - IRS letter
    The Millennium is Here! Run For Your Lives!!
    CGN | a bunch of incoherent nonsense
    Chris Jericho: First-Ever Undisputed Champion of Professional Wrestling & God Incarnate
    Mystique & Aura: Appearing Nightly @ Yankee Stadium! | Red & Pewter Pride
    Head Coach/General Manager, Kyrandia Dragonhawks (2004 Apolyton Fantasy Football League Champions)


    • #3
      And there would have been more DL accusations.
      "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

      Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


      • #4
        <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
        <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
        </font>you should have posted this in Off-Topic
        <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>
        Welcome LX. A word of advice, never NEVER go to OT. Once you are there you will not be able to leave EVER! I did go and look at me now... Sometimes I manage to crawl to the Civ2 strategy forum but it always sucks me back...It's a trap I tell you!
        Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
        And notifying the next of kin
        Once again...


        • #5
          Pay no attention to the crazy that posted above me. The Off-Topic is where all the cool posters are. You wanna be cool don't you? Cool people are good. You wanna be cool...c' cool with us
          Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


          • #6
            Don't listen to Mao... run for you life. Stay away from the OTF. Stick to the on topic forums... or you will never escape

            Welcome to Apolyton!

            CivII & Off-Topic Forum Moderator
            Keep on Civin'
            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • #7
              Don't believe Ming, the Off Topic is a great place to hang out

              Once you're there you won't want to leave. Noone will force you to stay if you don't want to. Come on, join the OT


              • #8
                Just say "No." to the OT!


                • #9
                  Nope! Not Ivan, and not the first, we just tend to be shy-ish.

                  As for the bears, I'll try to lure my girlfriend to the Zoo on Sunday... Vodka? No thanks. Unless you provide a company ?

                  What's DL, btw?
                  Divine Life?
                  Distance Learning?
                  Dental lab?
                  Diplomatic Language?
                  Def Leppard?
                  Volvo 240 DL? Subaru DL?
                  Definitions List?
                  Dumb Lamer?

                  BR, LX
                  "There are only THREE types of people on Earth: those who can count, and those who cannot..."(©?)
                  BR, LX
                  "There are only THREE types of people on Earth: those who can count, and those who cannot..."(©?)


                  • #10
                    DL - Double Login

                    A second Handle on the forums for one specific person, something which is not allowed here. You may only have 1 forum handle here, in order to avoid things getting complicated.


                    • #11
                      Oh shut up Narck, he knows that we know that he knows that we know that he knows what it is.

                      So come to the OTF...or something will happen...
                      Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                      • #12
                        <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                        <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                        </font><font size=1>Originally posted by Mao on 07-07-2000 03:50 PM</font>
                        Oh shut up Narck, he knows that we know that he knows that we know that he knows what it is.
                        <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>too complicated


                        • #13
                          There is a song in Russian: "He passed her in the street and turned around to check whether she turned around to check if he had turned around to look at her". And U speak about complexity!

                          BR, LX
                          "There are only THREE types of people on Earth: those who can count, and those who cannot..."(©?)
                          BR, LX
                          "There are only THREE types of people on Earth: those who can count, and those who cannot..."(©?)


                          • #14
                            Oh thanx guys!
                            Better did it in OT, you say? Well, I considered that. BUT,
                            1. you started replying the next day after my post. And where are the posts in OT the next day? U C.
                            2. I did not want to give competition to wonderful subjects found there. See for eg. this: "Would Chinese nuke US if they build SDI?" I really appreciated phrase that "Russia still can make a glass out of US..." May I suggest an alternative? Say, "US can still fry all bears in Siberia"?

                            Or was it in some other forum? Peeked there to check, found "Who do you think killed Kennedy, John F?"...

                            <15 minutes later>
                            Well, I am back. Do you see why I was scared of writing to OT? I would have to take a vacation to post one message.

                            3. The 3rd reason is, I wanted to make a suggestion (about new forum, remember?) and to be sure that at least somebody will have time to think on it seriously.

                            But don't trust me when I promise not to tap into OT

                            BR, LX
                            "There are only THREE types of people on Earth: those who can count, and those who cannot..."(©?)
                            BR, LX
                            "There are only THREE types of people on Earth: those who can count, and those who cannot..."(©?)


                            • #15
                              Hello LX! I think you might just be our first Ivan. Give our love to the land of bears and vodka.

