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Suggestion: Watched Threads

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  • Suggestion: Watched Threads

    Often it is hard to find the threads one is looking for in Apolyton. Is it possible to add a feature called "Watched Threads?" What this does is it allows a member to mark certain number (5? 10?) of threads as watched, and these will stay on top of the list (or maybe in a separate list).
    (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
    (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
    (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."

  • #2
    That would be a little awkward I think... wouldn't it be easier to bookmark the threads using your browser?


    • #3
      I guess I could do that, but I have too many bookmarks already.
      <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Urban Ranger (edited May 23, 2000).]</font>
      (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
      (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
      (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


      • #4
        Yeah, or a thing to where you can recieve email notification when someone replies to a thread you start. Although I suppose there could be a problem with overrunning your inbox, unless we had special Apolyton inboxes?
        Apolyton Empress
        "Tongue tied and twisted, just and earth bound misfit..."

        "Sanity is the playground for the unimaginative" --found on a bathroom wall


        • #5
          I agree with Empress, screw GameStats, we should all receive our own e-mails and overload their server
          Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


          • #6
            <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
            <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
            </font>Yeah, or a thing to where you can recieve email notification when someone replies to a thread you start. Although I suppose there could be a problem with overrunning your inbox, unless we had special Apolyton inboxes?
            <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

            I agree with Mao, that would cause their email server to crash. You cant do this on such a huge forum like Apolyton.

            I once asked for an auto-add-to-favourites feature but well, some guys are working on this I think.

            Nevertheless, I dont look much into my favourites. I have only about 3 to 4 sites which I visit regularly. No need to bookmark them.



            • #7
              Sounds like a good idea to me. Might be hard, but would be well worth it.

              If you wanted to do something even harder (which you probably don't) then you could have each user have his or her own 'homepage'. Any threads that had been marked as such would be linked on the 'homepage'. You could also mark threads to only be shown if they had been updated.

              Ok, that last idea is imposable, but wouldn't it be great? Ahh...

              Civ 3 Democracy Game:
              PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
              Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


              • #8
                <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                </font><font size=1>Originally posted by adaMada on 05-24-2000 05:59 PM</font>
                Sounds like a good idea to me. Might be hard, but would be well worth it.

                If you wanted to do something even harder (which you probably don't) then you could have each user have his or her own 'homepage'. Any threads that had been marked as such would be linked on the 'homepage'. You could also mark threads to only be shown if they had been updated.

                Ok, that last idea is imposable, but wouldn't it be great? Ahh...

                <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

                It's not impossible, if the big portals all have personal homepages that users can personalize.

                It'll be a big job, however.
                (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                • #9
                  I think this would be very cool, but way too much work.
                  If it is possible I would be all for it.

                  I have discovered that China and Spain are really one and the same country, and it's only ignorance that leads people to believe they are two seperate nations. If you don't belive me try writing 'Spain' and you'll end up writing 'China'."
                  Gogol, Diary of a Madman


                  • #10
                    <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                    <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                    </font><font size=1>Originally posted by Urban Ranger on 05-24-2000 11:06 PM</font>
                    It's not impossible, if the big portals all have personal homepages that users can personalize.

                    It'll be a big job, however.
                    <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

                    I know that it is possible,

                    I just mean that I think that the Admin's will regard it as impossible...

                    Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                    PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                    Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


                    • #11

                      Bookmarking your favourite threads should be sufficient for this purpose.

                      In addition, if you're threads are being actively posted in, you can always change your settings to show only topics up to and including the past 24hrs.

                      Dan; Apolyton CS


                      • #12
                        To Urban Ranger: I'm using InternetExplorer 5.0 and I can arrange my bookmarks in directories/folders. Could this be useful for you having too many bookmarks?
                        Bye, Dirk
                        "Dirks and Daggers."
                        Bye, Dirk
                        "Dirks and Daggers"


                        • #13
                          <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                          <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                          </font><font size=1>Originally posted by DanQ on 05-27-2000 11:42 PM</font>

                          Bookmarking your favourite threads should be sufficient for this purpose.

                          In addition, if you're threads are being actively posted in, you can always change your settings to show only topics up to and including the past 24hrs.

                          Dan; Apolyton CS
                          <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>


                          The problem with this if I use bookmarks, I can't tell if there are any new entries until I actually access the thread(s).

                          On the other hand, if I set my preferences, then I have to remember the titles of these threads. It could be hard
                          <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Urban Ranger (edited June 12, 2000).]</font>
                          (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                          (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                          (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                          • #14

                            That's not the problem. The problem is I have too many bookmarks and I don't want to put everything on the top level. I don't want to have too many levels of directories either, since it makes looking for bookmarks difficult.
                            (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                            (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                            (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."

