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CSC: The Forgotten Page

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  • CSC: The Forgotten Page

    When I first discovered this page I immediately put it into my favorites.
    I started submitting scenarios (albeit under my true name) and one even got posted.
    That was way back in March.
    Since then I have submitted at least four scenarios to CSC. (Allard Hofelt, I think is the reviewers name) and:
    I have gotten no response, where as before I used to get responses.
    CSC remains un-updated. For three months.


    It's very insulting to not get a response when you've worked very hard to create a quality scenario and no one cares.

    It's also annoying that the only real resource page for aspiring writers is SLeague (not to say SL is bad, I Love SL). Where as CSC used to be my main sources of info.

    If any other Apolytoners are ticked off about this then post it here so we can get a message across...
    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by WarVoid (edited May 17, 2000).]</font>

  • #2
    IIRC Allard and Jesus both decided to take on other ventures in their lives, and Darthveda now leads it. If you want something done about it, why don't you help him? (no, I'm not being a *****, I'm serious, we always need people to help out CSC)
    Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


    • #3
      it's also quite irritating when someone is using the angry face because someone else is no longer able to provide him with a free service...


      • #4
        First of all. I am willing to help in any way I can. I'm offering my help, all anyone else has to do is reply.

        And MarkG: I'm not angry about it being a free service or anything like that. I'm mad because this is a resource for many scenario writers. And I think it should be kept up-to-date in order to provide even more help to aspiring writers. If I had known help was needed I would have offered it a long time ago.


        • #5
          glad to see you offering your help. there is a real need for people like you

