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While you're relaunching stuff...

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  • While you're relaunching stuff...

    How about the CSC? I don't know about about anyone else, but I come to this site much more to get the newest Civ improvements then to learn about totally non-Civ related games.
    (OK, fine, I admit I mainly come for the OT, but that's beside the point)

    Here is the node, you who hate change and fear revolution. Keep these two squatting men apart; make them hate, fear, suspect each other. Here is the anlage of the thing you fear. This is the zygote. For here "I lost my land" is changed; a cell is split and from its splitting grows the thing you hate-"We lost our land."...This is the beginning-from "I" to "we"-John Steinbeck, The Grapes Of Wrath

  • #2
    The games in the Altnerative Civs. section are indeed Civ-related. Directly, no, but in other respects yes (specifics depend upon the title itself). And just as some gamers are interested in SMAC but not CTP, there are those that are, and others who are not, interested in exploring other games that look to follow in Civilization's footsteps. We are here to offer the full palette for our visitors to make those choices.

    The CSC is one of our Hosted Sites. You will have to contact them directly for a more concrete answer.

    Dan; Apolyton CS

