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Multiple e-mails

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  • Multiple e-mails

    I gave the great folks at Apolyton an acceptable e-mail address during registration.

    But that e-mail address is primarily for work.

    Is there a way to post the following address: for other noble Apolytoners to send mail?

    I guess I could put it in my signature... Any other ways, though?

  • #2
    You just want to change your email? Just change it under profile and they will email you a new password.


    • #3
      Wouldn't it blacklist Hotmail though? I'm assuming that's why Slingshot asked the question...

      - MKL
      - mkl


      • #4
        <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
        <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
        </font><font size=1>Originally posted by MidKnight Lament on 04-28-2000 10:03 AM</font>
        Wouldn't it blacklist Hotmail though?
        <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>It might
        <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Narck (edited April 28, 2000).]</font>


        • #5
          I also have multiple addresses. One I would rather not post on the internet, the other I would rather use for this site…

          I changed my profile to show the one at which I would rather people contact me, but I understand that MarkG and DanQ want to have the 'email your ISP gave you', to be sure of no double log-ons. Is there a solution to this problem?
          Civ 3 Democracy Game:
          PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
          Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


          • #6
            you can turn of the showing of your registered e-mail address, and put the "mail me here" one in your signature


            • #7
              Yea, I know, but its better with your mail listed in the official MAIL spot. If you really care, then I can change mine back to my 'real' one, but it would be better if you'd just let people use other addresses after they originally list a valid one.
              Civ 3 Democracy Game:
              PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
              Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


              • #8
                So okay. I'll put the hotmail address in my signature and call it a day.

                MarkG, please close this thread.

