I'll append my siganture.
This is what it looked like when I wrote it in my profile:
There is a book called "windows for dummies".
Isn't that title redundant?
<A HREF="http://udel.edu/~jgephart/fun2.htm
There" TARGET=_blank>http://udel.edu/~jgephart/fun2.htm
There</A> is a book called "windows for dummies". Isn't that title redundant?
This is what it looked like when I wrote it in my profile:
There is a book called "windows for dummies".
Isn't that title redundant?
<A HREF="http://udel.edu/~jgephart/fun2.htm
There" TARGET=_blank>http://udel.edu/~jgephart/fun2.htm
There</A> is a book called "windows for dummies". Isn't that title redundant?