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Swearing (Moderation Discussion)

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  • #16
    LOL in german means Hell! So please stop posting LOL, or go to LOL!


    • #17
      LOL no.


      • #18
        Heh heh, very humourous Gary. {GRIN}

        You have made your point, but so have we.

        Dan; Apolyton CS


        • #19
          The swearing standards here are great if you're British. You can get away with all those fabulous Anglo-Saxon favourites that Americans don't understand.

          I, personally, claim responsibility for introducing hordes of impressionable young Americans to the expression "ponce".


          • #20
            Yeah, that's true Trappist, that's true...


            • #21
              The only Ponce I know is De`Leon
              ~I like eggs.~


              • #22
                Lets start a list of words that we can use in Apolyton..

                ****** and **** and *** and ********** ** ***** *** ****** ** ****** ** ****so then I said **** are you *** with **** that **** gone to **** and back again.

                Just to give you an example



                • #23
                  I will say it again M & D. It is the lack of any discernable logic to your 'banned'list that continues to invite this criticism.

                  "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." H.S.T.
                  "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow
                  "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain


                  • #24
                    How is "hell" offensive to right-wing "Christian" evangelicals? I've seen plenty (not on Apolyton, though, so maybe "ours" are mysteriously fragile) tell me I'm going to hell for being a Catholic, unless I convert to their brand of "Christianity."

                    Then again, you get idiots like maestrobto whose every post I've seen is Mexican-bashing racist. (except for the Bill related ones recently) Those don't get deleted - they may get closed, or not (I usually fire right back at the twit because I won't abide racists under any circumstance.

                    I agree with the Brits that there is a lot of inconsistency - a lot of Brit slang and profanity that is worse than "hell" is allowed.
                    When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


                    • #25
                      Personally, my favourite swear words are:



                      and don't forget

                      Maybe DanQ and MarkG could 'enhance' the smiles legend with skulls, daggers, stars, and a good lightening bolt. That could really give colour to our language without having to resort to "cursive."

                      Oh man! I can't believe that pun. Cursive, get it? It means written letters and its got curse! @^&*!, that's funny. In fact, its &@*! funny!


                      • #26
                        markg, i hate to be a little obvious, but methinks you are overlooking the recent 2page debate about albert speers' handle under 'speers handle' which i believe you posted on. i haven't seen the guy blaming the ******s, but i do remember posting on speers handle, and seeing as i registered last month, i think you should be able to 'recall' it.
                        i'd also like to add my vote to the overwhelming list of people that remain in the list to allow swear words that aren't exactly swear words ie. he11, damm, especially when ""sexually offending"" word are being used continuously



                        • #27
                          sammyboy7, the thread you are talking was created exactly because of the post of mine that you responded

                          as for certain words like the ones you mentioned, there is a separation between using them in thread titles, using them in posts. I believe Ming explained our position in the best way earlier...


                          • #28
                            Okay, the pun was a little much. But MarkG, don't you think the smiles legend extention is a good idea? That way the potty-mouthed-poets would be given a challenge at making creative swears and really show us the joy of cursing.


                            • #29
                              If we had such smilies, some may see it as an excuse or reason to curse even more through the use of such smilies.

                              Dan; Apolyton CS


                              • #30

