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Lists ???

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  • #76
    thanks you all

    BTW which one sounds better, "Deity of the Darkness" or "Deity of Darkness"?
    >>> El cine se lee en dvdplay <<<


    • #77
      I think the righteous indignation over the May Lists thread is pretty bleepin' hilarious.

      -Everyone knows Community is the last refuge of +1s for people who don't actually participate in the games that form the basis for this site's existence.
      -Everyone also knows that the owners' wishes rule, and the mods do their bidding.

      Q. Did the May List thread generate a large number of very short (+1) posts?
      A. Yes, obviously.

      Q. Is the topic of the Monthly List a viable and interesting one for Poly memebers as a whole?
      A. Yes, obviously.

      Q. Did the mods and the owners know this was happening?
      A. Yes, they see all and know all.

      Q. Did it continue to happen unabated for weeks on end?
      A. Yes, obviously.

      So why the uproar? Community spam is site-controlled, by definition. Discussion by us, the hoi-polloi, is self-indulgent crap at best. (Thus my amusement.)

      Therefore, it is in fact this thread, being a troll-poll designed to draw a bunch more +1s on a moot topic, that I deem to be...
      Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
      RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


      • #78
        So Ras shouldn't have asked if we wanted the lists too continue?
        Why can't you be a non-conformist just like everybody else?

        It's no good (from an evolutionary point of view) to have the physique of Tarzan if you have the sex drive of a philosopher. -- Michael Ruse
        The Nedaverse I can accept, but not the Berzaverse. There can only be so many alternate realities. -- Elok


        • #79
          I concur with JRabbit. As I said at the time and have continued to say, it is OBVIOUS that Ming (for one) has been watching these threads. It remains in his power to close the threads and to issue warnings about the spam. The fact that he has chosen NOT to do so while simultaneously making it clear that he at least noticed the thread sent a pretty clear signal in my opinion.

          Also as I said at the time, the admins and those like Ming retain the power, at any time they wish, to issue such a warning and to ask for that activity to stop. I'm relatively sure that if it's asked for by them, it'll happen. Simple as that.

          As for ME, I'll confess that while I was having *FUN* essentially spamming the May Lists thread (among a few others) in the A/C forum, I do not engage in such actvity elsewhere on the site (where I actually get MOST of my posts). The bulk of my postcount is easily racked up by making on-topic posts on strategic issues in the Civ3 forums, and (generally) EXTREMELY LENGTHY game-related posts in the various democracy games. Hell, I seem to have quite the reputation for exceedingly lengthy posts in the Civ3 democracy game community. I think a few people have even started referring to very long posts (that approach the character limit) as "Arn-sized posts".

          In fact, being in an elected position in a democracy game on this site is by far the fastest way to increase your postcount and to do so without spamming. You just end up spending a lot of time conversing game issues and strategies with the other team members. Your post count increases and you don't even notice because that's not why you're posting - you post as much or as little as is needed in an argument or discussion.
          Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
          Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
          7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


          • #80
            "Arn-sized posts".

            that's Vel's baby

            To the other point, I don't know, sure as long as the owners et all allow it, then sure, go ahead.
            However, the ACS forum used to be the first one I visited when logging-in, been awhile since I did that.
            Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
            Then why call him God? - Epicurus


            • #81
              as long as the owners et all allow it, then sure, go ahead.
              Thinking the same thing here

              By the way, Congrats CP!
              The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.

              Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!


              • #82
                Originally posted by DarkCloud

                As you'll notice, Rasputin had 3630 in 2002 and has made 7000 posts since then [3 years to 3K, 2 years to 7K ]
                the slow posting in first 3 years was due to a hibernation period from about 2001 to end 2002 i think when i rarely came to poly..

                from early 2003 to now is my usual posting rate...

                I can see if I can dredge up some other data if Bloody Monk is still interested.
                im interested, some figures for what the deities had at the time would b egood, i coudl inlcude them in the lsits to show changes..
                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                • #83
                  Chilean Presidente- el segundo palabra es mejor
                  Rasputin- well as you can see, I have the post counts for some deitites posted.

                  More factoids:

                  as of May 2001, Dr Strangelove (user id 385) [I think this might have been El Awrence before he changed his name ) only had 886 posts.

                  Zopper [now Zopperoni] had 846 posts

                  Locutus had 816

                  paiktis22 had 625 posts

                  and axi had 569

                  and here's the old apolyton Army Version II... (I think it was done in June 2001... but it may have been done in May 2001... ver I was in Dec 2000) Note: This was compiled shortly before Area 54 was discovered and PH and several others were busted down several thousand posts

                  The Apolyton Army v. 2.0
                  Volume 2, Issue 5

                  President/King/Head Academician/Khan (18 and Up)
                  18.47 (480) 2-3-00 Provost Harrison 8864 (AI)

                  General of the Army/Grand Marshal (16-17.99)
                  17.85 (150) 1-4-01 cpoulos 2677
                  16.78 (720) 6-15-99 Mao 12078
                  16.61 (840) 2-15-99 Ming 13953

                  General/Marshal (13-15.99)
                  13.02 (840) 2-15-99 Imran Siddiqui 10934

                  Colonel/Field Marshal (11-12.99)
                  12.39 (300) 7-2-00 Eli 3717 (Builder/BuilderR)
                  11.70 (840) 2-15-99 MarkG 9830
                  11.07 (750) 5-19-99 Alexander's Horse 8302

                  Lieutenant/Leutnant/Kommadant (8-10.99)
                  10.81 (450) 3-23-00 Ecthelion 4867 (Andz83/Chaos Warrior)
                  10.12 (600) 10-27-99 MichaeltheGreat 6071
                  9.38 (270) 9-7-00 phoenixcager 2523
                  9.17 (300) 7-4-00 Shadowstrike 2750
                  8.89 (600) 10-10-99 Infatuation 5336 (Dookie/Nimrod)
                  8.45 (780) 4-15-99 Narck 6591
                  8.28 (360) 6-13-00 SuperSneak 2979
                  8.13 (270) 9-10-00 Sprayber 2194

                  Soldier/Warrior (5-7.99)
                  Sergeant 7.92 (750) 5-24-99 Urban Ranger 5939
                  Sergeant 7.78 (840) 2-15-99 *End Is Forever* 6076 (Iain Lindley)
                  Sergeant 7.34 (750) 5-7-99 Roland 5503
                  7.24 (780) 4-22-99 Lancer 5650
                  6.74 (420) 4-11-00 Snapcase 2830
                  6.58 (840) 2-15-99 My Wife Hates CIV 5530
                  6.53 (420) 4-1-00 Empress 2745
                  6.38 (810) 3-4-99 Albert Speer 5170
                  6.34 (540) 12-24-99 Djugashvili 3423
                  6.10 (840) 2-15-99 LordStone1 5124
                  6.02 (780) 4-5-99 Caesar the Great 4697
                  5.98 (300) 7-27-00 DarkCloud 1793
                  5.74 (660) 8-9-99 MLeonard 3791
                  5.74 (630) 8-12-99 Docfeelgood 3618
                  5.69 (840) 2-15-99 Stefu 4781
                  5.68 (840) 2-15-99 GP 3932
                  5.58 (690) 7-4-99 The Brain 3849
                  5.57 (840) 2-15-99 Zhu Yuanzhang 4675 (Dave Boshko?)
                  5.57 (750) 5-10-99 MikeH 4181
                  5.40 (690) 7-22-99 n.c. 3727
                  5.35 (780) 4-17-99 Shi Huangdi 4171 (Black Dragon)
                  5.28 (840) 2-15-99 Gibsie 4436
                  5.24 (630) 9-18-99 ProvostB 3304
                  5.07 (840) 2-15-99 Theben 4258

                  Irregular (1-4.99)
                  4.92 (180) 12-27-00 Zopper 886
                  4.87 (810) 3-21-99 Paul 3945
                  4.84 (840) 2-15-99 Monk 4068
                  4.70 (840) 2-15-99 connorkimbro 3955
                  4.56 (840) 8-1-98 DanQ 3828
                  4.45 (840) 2-15-99 Sir David 3741
                  4.34 (810) 3-7-99 JohnT 3519
                  4.30 (840) 2-15-99 derek 3616
                  4.14 (810) 3-9-99 Sten Sture 3552
                  3.84 (840) 2-15-99 Colon 3224
                  3.27 (750) 5-21-99 darkgrendel 2452
                  2.32 (270) 9-29-00 DaShi 626
                  1.62 (150) 1-14-01 Ninny Man Jr 243
                  1.56 (690) 7-12-99 Timexwatch 1078
                  1.43 (210) 11-22-00 Darkknight 301
                  1.05 (840) 2-15-99 Dr Strangelove 886

                  Currently Courtmartialed (Under 0.99)
                  0.36 (300) 8-10-99 The Emperor Fabulous 109
                  0.32 (780) 4-5-99 Titan. 247

                  February 99- 840
                  March 99- 810
                  April 99- 780
                  May 99- 750
                  June 99-720 (2 Years)
                  July 99-690
                  Aug 99-660
                  Sept 99-630
                  Oct 99- 600
                  Nov 99- 570
                  Dec 99- 540
                  January 00-510
                  February 00-480
                  March 00- 450
                  April 00- 420
                  May 00- 390
                  June 00- 360 (1 Year)
                  July 00- 330
                  August 00-300
                  September 00-270
                  October 00-240
                  November 00-210
                  December 00-180
                  January 01-150
                  February 01-120
                  March 01-90
                  April 01-60
                  May 01-30
                  June 01-00
                  Heres some more info from late June 2001
                  Shortly after OT posts were taken away

                  Dark Cloud's newest List of Activity
                  -Thus Proving DC is the "Master of Apolyton Lists"
                  -And deserves the title "Master of Lists"

                  The Active Posters on OnTopic Forums in the top 120 vs the ones not...
                  (After 1 month)
                  More than 1 Post an *
                  More than 50 posts a **
                  More than 100 posts a ***
                  Nonactive= a blank

                  Position.Name-OldPosts (PostsMade) New Posts
                  121. Jasonian- 1731 (-) 1731
                  *120. Carolus Rex- 1733 (3) 1736
                  119. werefox- 1759 (-) 1759
                  *118. Keygen- ? (?) 1762
                  117. Loud Medicine- 1767 (-) 1767
                  *116. Nordicus- 1786 (13) 1798
                  115. Kautilya- 1804 (-) 1804
                  114. Saras- 1804 (-) 1804
                  113. Faboba- 1819 (-) 1819
                  **112. DarkCloud- 1779 (63) 1843
                  *111. Zkribbler- 1841 (3) 1844
                  110. Makeo- 1857 (-) 1857
                  109. Evil Capitalist- 1866 (-) 1866
                  108. Lincoln- 1867 (-) 1867
                  107. Geography Dan- 1881 (-) 1881
                  106. Alphaman- 1929 (-) 1929
                  *105. The Mad Monk- 1898 (39) 1937
                  ***104. TheBirdMan- 1845 (118) 1963
                  103. David Floyd- 1970 (-) 1970
                  103. Mark L- 1977 (-) 1977
                  ***102. Rasputin- 1874 (157) 2031
                  101. Giancarlo- 2043 (-) 2043
                  *100. pchang- 2033 (11) 2044
                  *99. Ramo- 2046 (3) 2049
                  98. chegitz guevara- 2054 (-) 2054
                  97. ghen (Fast_Eddie)- 2065 (-) 2065
                  *96. War4ever- ? (?) 2107
                  95. vlad- 2108 (-) 2108
                  *94. LightEning- 2138 (6) 2144
                  93. Seneca- 2149 (-) 2149
                  92. technophile- 2156 (-) 2156
                  91. Tolls- 2171 (-) 2171
                  90. Dracon II (Dracon)- 2179 (-) 2179
                  89. orange- 2200 (-) 2200
                  88. Stewart Spink- 2200 (-) 2200
                  87. Usually Insane- 2217 (0) 2217
                  **86. Sprayber- 2180 (55) 2235
                  85. MasterBob the Elder(Fallen Angel Lord)- 2258 (-) 2258
                  **84. Scouse Gits- 2185 (93) 2278
                  83. only human (onepaul)- 2288 (-) 2288
                  *82. Eroberer- 2326 (6) 2332
                  *81. winston- 2350 (8) 2358
                  *80. Lefty Scaevola- 2334 (42) 2376
                  *79. Bolo- 2359 (1) 2360
                  *78. Gary- 2420 (3) 2423
                  77. Sergeant Sheets- 2446 (-) 2446
                  76. darkgrendel- 2452 (-) 2452
                  75. Dominikos- 2498 (-) 2498
                  *74. Hueij- 2522 (16) 2538
                  73. Par4- 2541 (-) 2541
                  *72. Victor Galis- 2537 (7) 2544
                  *71. phoenixcager- 2515 (33) 2548
                  *70. MagyarCrusader(Michael Jesczenka)- 2539 (16) 2555
                  *69. DinoDoc(Squalodon)- 2559 (3) 2562
                  *68. John-SJ - 2596 (7) 2603
                  *67. Atahualpa- 2722 (12) 2734
                  66. Empress- 2745 (-) 2745
                  ***65. rah- 2628 (125) 2753
                  *64. Shadowstrike- 2744 (19) 2763
                  *61. reismark- 2813 (7) 2820
                  ***60. cpoulos- 2646 (180) 2826
                  *59. Smash- 2817 (26) 2843
                  58. Comrade Dan- 2919 (0) 2919
                  57. mrtemba- 2924 (0) 2924
                  ***56. Snapcase- 2797 (131) 2928
                  *55. Seeker- 2943 (4) 2947
                  *54. Kropotkin- 2934 (24) 2948
                  *53. SnowFire- 2986 (34) 3020
                  52. Giant_Squid- 3027 (0) 3027
                  51. Starchild- 3029 (0) 3029
                  50. St Leo- 3034 (0) 3034
                  ***49. SuperSneak- 2939 (103) 3042
                  *48. DarthVeda- 3113 (6) 3119
                  *47. DanS- 3140 (4) 3144
                  **46. Jay Bee- 3050 (98) 3148
                  45. History049- 3233 (0) 3233
                  *44. Berzerker- 3192 (44) 3236
                  *43. Colon- 3223 (38) 3261
                  ***42. Misotu- 3032 (235) 3267
                  41. monolith94- 3264 (0) 3264
                  40. ProvostB- 3304 (0) 3304
                  39. Djugavashili- 3423 (0) 3423
                  *38. JohnT- 3516 (11) 3527
                  37. Sten Sture- 3552 (0) 3552
                  36. derek- 3616 (0) 3616
                  35. Docfeelgood- 3618 (0) 3618
                  *34. n.c.- 3726 (1) 3727
                  33. Sir David- 3741 (0) 3741
                  **32. Eli- 3704 (82) 3786
                  *31. MLeonard- 3790 (4) 3794
                  30. The Brain- 3849 (0) 3849
                  *29. DanQ- 3827 (26) 3853
                  *28. GP- 3930 (48) 3978
                  *27. connorkimbro- 3948 (31) 3979
                  26. Monk- 4068 (0) 4068
                  ***25. Paul- 3928 (166) 4094
                  *24. Shi Huangdi- 4168 (3) 4171
                  *23. MikeH- ???? (??) 4196
                  *22. Theben- 4257 (46) 4303
                  *21. Gibsie- 4435 (22) 4457
                  *20. Zhu Yuanzhang- 4673 (16) 4689
                  *19. Caesar the Great- 4696 (32) 4728
                  *18. Stefu- 4778 (24) 4802
                  ***17. Echtelion- 4863 (147) 5010
                  *16. LordStone1- 5122 (5) 5127
                  15. Albert Speer- 5170 (0) 5170
                  *14. Infatuation- 5332 (13) 5345
                  13. Roland- 5503 (0) 5503
                  *12. My Wife Hates CIV- 5528 (11) 5539
                  11. Lancer- 5650 (0) 5650
                  ***10. Urban Ranger- 5900 (154) 6054
                  **09. *End Is Forever*- 6052 (51) 6103
                  **08. MichaeltheGreat- 6060 (73) 6133
                  07. Narck- 6591 (0) 6591
                  ***06. Provost Harrison- 3909 (5037) 8946
                  ***05. Alexander's Horse- 8288 (1641) 9929
                  ***04. MarkG- 9689 (339) 10028
                  **03. Imran Siddiqui- 10923 (53) 10976
                  *02. Mao- 12076 (6) 12084
                  **01. Ming- 13921 (89) 14010

                  Most Active on the On-Topic (over 100) [13 posters]
                  ***104. TheBirdMan- 1845 (118) 1963
                  ***103. Rasputin- 1874 (157) 2031c
                  ***67. rah- 2628 (125) 2753
                  ***60. cpoulos- 2646 (180) 2826
                  ***56. Snapcase- 2797 (131) 2928
                  ***49. SuperSneak- 2939 (103) 3042
                  ***42. Misotu- 3032 (235) 3267
                  ***25. Paul- 3928 (166) 4094
                  ***17. Echtelion- 4863 (147) 5010
                  ***10. Urban Ranger- 5900 (154) 6054
                  ***06. Provost Harrison- 3909 (5037) 8946
                  ***05. Alexander's Horse- 8288 (1641) 9929
                  ***04. MarkG- 9689 (339) 10028
                  -Looking at this list I see that the people with the most
                  posts were not only active in the OT, but they were active
                  in on-topic forums as well.

                  -Thus, post count truly demonstrates how the people who are
                  worth the most to our forums are the people who make the most
                  posts (and who have been here the longest)

                  57. Dissident- 2831
                  Aug 25, 2001 I had 2446 posts
                  and TheBirdMan had 2436
                  technophile had 2227

                  Oct 31st 2001
                  Ming- 14491
                  Mao- 12113
                  MarkG- 11506
                  Imran- 11257
                  AH- 10366
                  PH- 9863
                  UR- 7091

                  and the last person on the top 20 list had only 4705 posts (Zhu Yuanzhang)

                  If thou desirest more I can dig some more up
                  -->Visit CGN!
                  -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                  • #84
                    excellant work, now i jsut need to work out how i am going to use them figures....
                    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                    • #85
                      well, good luck with it

                      My other saved Memberslist files date from:

                      18 May, 2004 (page 2)
                      27 Mar, 2004 (page 1-2)
                      Mar 15, 2004 (page 1-10)
                      4 Jan, 2004 (page 1-2)
                      Nov 13, 2003 (page 1-12)
                      Oct 5, 2003 (page 1-2)
                      July 26, 2003 (page 1-7)
                      July 9, 2003 (page 1-2)
                      May 29, 2003 (page 1-10)
                      Apr 9, 2003 (page 1) I was briefly in 18th place!
                      Mar 13, 2003 (page 1-6)
                      Nov 20, 2002 (page 1-5)
                      July 26, 2002 (page 1-3)
                      -->Visit CGN!
                      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                      • #86
                        wow great work....

                        Ming Rah etal..... Please close this thread .... !!!! it time for JUNE LISTS
                        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                        • #87
                          Absolutely agree with JRabbit and Arnelos.

                          NubeOscura I can't understand anything in your posts, but it's a lot of work
                          Cuando un dedo señala la luna, los tontos miran el dedo. (del Mayo francés)


                          • #88
                            My congratulations to our newest deity, Chilean President!
                            Welcome to godhood.
                            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                            • #89
                              to CP.


                              • #90
                                you're making me ..thanks guys

                                oh Kalius, go back to Frozzy mode I'm on a cruzade to preserve the old names. That Daulphin isn't getting rid of me neither

                                EDIT: Thanks DarkCloud, dejo la segunda
                                >>> El cine se lee en dvdplay <<<

