At the Delaware Poly meet, one item of discussion was the complete inadequacy of the censor as it stands. Let's face it, *'s are boring. We demand an upgrade!
Way back in the day, an old Myth board replaced censored words with "smurf." Soon, people starting typing smurf straight out ("smurf you!" "smurf!" etc.). A similar innocuous word could create fun here as well.
Another good option would be a Censored smiley to replace any such words. This has the disadvantage of not Cut & Pasting well into plain text, but it's still amusing.
would be a good example.
Way back in the day, an old Myth board replaced censored words with "smurf." Soon, people starting typing smurf straight out ("smurf you!" "smurf!" etc.). A similar innocuous word could create fun here as well.
Another good option would be a Censored smiley to replace any such words. This has the disadvantage of not Cut & Pasting well into plain text, but it's still amusing.
