Typing for the nth time:
These are dependent on your post count. A (attack) is based on how many posts you have. D (defense) is based on what your average posts-per-day is. M (movement) is based on the proportion of how long you have been registered to your post count. HP (hit points) shows how long it's till next A increase. When HP goes to 99, next increase, A increases by 1, and HP drops to 0.
These are dependent on your post count. A (attack) is based on how many posts you have. D (defense) is based on what your average posts-per-day is. M (movement) is based on the proportion of how long you have been registered to your post count. HP (hit points) shows how long it's till next A increase. When HP goes to 99, next increase, A increases by 1, and HP drops to 0.