After previous discussion in the Preconstituant Assembly about the articles to be designated for review, I hereby officially declare on Mission Date 2120.12.11 the Second Convocation of the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Human Hive Republics for opened.
The articles to be voted on for review are:
Under Chapter III. Political Rights and Organization, Article 2: Limits on office accumulation:
can be changed to
Under Chapter III. Political Rights and Organization, Article 3: Coups and Resignations:
Paragraph 3:
can be changed to
The Second Convocation will be convened for five days. Each present Central Committee member may in that time anonymously vote "YEA" or "NAY" on the proposals for article review.
The articles to be voted on for review are:
Under Chapter III. Political Rights and Organization, Article 2: Limits on office accumulation:
It is not allowed to run for two positions in the same group. Nor is it allowed to combine a position in group one with a position in group three, four or five. All other combinations are allowed.
It is not allowed to run for two positions in the same group. Nor is it allowed to combine a position in group one with a position in group three, four or five. All other combinations are allowed. The restrictions on position accumulation do not count if they prevent having a full active government. A government member is considered inactive if that person does not post in the AC-Police State Game for two consecutive weeks. Another government member of the same official group can then coup the inactive government member.
Under Chapter III. Political Rights and Organization, Article 3: Coups and Resignations:
Paragraph 3:
If a person holds multiple positions, that person gets the votes for all (since s/he controls the defenses and employees of all of those departments, and s/he has the same influence as if multiple people held those positions). Split votes are not allowed: one must vote for one candidate.
If a person holds multiple positions, that person receives votes once for each official group (defined in Chapter III, Article 2: Limits on office accumulation) s/he holds a position in. In other words votes for holding positions in different official groups can be accumulated, but a person can not stack votes for more than one position within one official group. Split votes are not allowed: one must vote for one candidate.
The Second Convocation will be convened for five days. Each present Central Committee member may in that time anonymously vote "YEA" or "NAY" on the proposals for article review.