Greetings and welcome to the AC Police State Game!
The Premise for the game: when the UNS Unity fell into the Alpha Centauri system, Planet was already populated with the remnants of the feuding Aliens, and it was they who witnessed the breakup of the humans' spaceship. Guardian H'minee and Conquerer Maar immediately fell upon the helpless human survivors who reached Planet, attacking all of the human bases they could reach!
From their position on Planet, the Hive Submariners could hear the other Factions' radio transmissions: grim defiance in the Spartan and Pirate Battle transmissions, more frantic tones in the messages broadcast by those Factions less prepared to face the Alien Juggernauts. One by one, the Human Factions succumbed, and now, Planet's airwaves are dead silent.....
Armed only with what your Faction was able to salvage from Unity, as well as a partial map of Planet taken by your Escape Pods cameras in their final descent to Planet, you must prepare for the inevitable onslaught by the Aliens, as these two Titans clash with each other for supremacy of Planet!
The seafaring Factions I've installed in this game are as follows:
Privateers (Believers)
Coastguard (PK's)
Gunrunners (Spartans)
Submariners (Hive)
These factions are at Googlie's website, which was listed in one of the discussion threads for the formation of this game. You should download them and place them in your "Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri" folder.
For the attached game files, you should create a subdirectory off of your "Scenario" folder, and then download all 3 of them into this. This will then allow the Secret Police to monitor your every online move, er, I mean allow the game to read correctly in the Datalinks.
Because I have made many changes to this game, you should have several senior Drones review the Datalinks and report their findings to the Collective. Discussion then should commence as far as how The Hive should proceed.
One error in the Datalinks is that I tried to activate the 19th Special Abilities Flag (i.e. the "Heavy Transport" capability, which allows +50% more to a Transport's capacity). For some reason I haven't been able to get this to work to date. FYI so you don't try and beeline for this Ability.
All of the discussed options for this game have been included, and I will make you aware that not only is the artillery more lethal, why it is lethal !
So, with those words, I will depart and say Cheers, and Enjoy!
The Premise for the game: when the UNS Unity fell into the Alpha Centauri system, Planet was already populated with the remnants of the feuding Aliens, and it was they who witnessed the breakup of the humans' spaceship. Guardian H'minee and Conquerer Maar immediately fell upon the helpless human survivors who reached Planet, attacking all of the human bases they could reach!
From their position on Planet, the Hive Submariners could hear the other Factions' radio transmissions: grim defiance in the Spartan and Pirate Battle transmissions, more frantic tones in the messages broadcast by those Factions less prepared to face the Alien Juggernauts. One by one, the Human Factions succumbed, and now, Planet's airwaves are dead silent.....
Armed only with what your Faction was able to salvage from Unity, as well as a partial map of Planet taken by your Escape Pods cameras in their final descent to Planet, you must prepare for the inevitable onslaught by the Aliens, as these two Titans clash with each other for supremacy of Planet!
The seafaring Factions I've installed in this game are as follows:
Privateers (Believers)
Coastguard (PK's)
Gunrunners (Spartans)
Submariners (Hive)
These factions are at Googlie's website, which was listed in one of the discussion threads for the formation of this game. You should download them and place them in your "Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri" folder.
For the attached game files, you should create a subdirectory off of your "Scenario" folder, and then download all 3 of them into this. This will then allow the Secret Police to monitor your every online move, er, I mean allow the game to read correctly in the Datalinks.
Because I have made many changes to this game, you should have several senior Drones review the Datalinks and report their findings to the Collective. Discussion then should commence as far as how The Hive should proceed.
One error in the Datalinks is that I tried to activate the 19th Special Abilities Flag (i.e. the "Heavy Transport" capability, which allows +50% more to a Transport's capacity). For some reason I haven't been able to get this to work to date. FYI so you don't try and beeline for this Ability.
All of the discussed options for this game have been included, and I will make you aware that not only is the artillery more lethal, why it is lethal !
![evil grin](
So, with those words, I will depart and say Cheers, and Enjoy!