Pirates - Doomreaver -Bloodclaw_Doomreaver@hotmail.com
Hive - Lazerus - Kris_no1@hotmail.com
Buccaneers - Auric Boil - mysticmystere@uol.com.br
AI - Morgan, Domai, Aki, Roze.
Set this thread up for keeping track of the turns that will be the coninuation of that good game we started by ip play on sunday night (and hopefully we can continue every sunday)
Brief re-cap incase arci wants to see what he missed out (from my view anyways )
Turn 2144 sent to Captain Blackbeard (Auric)
Hive - Lazerus - Kris_no1@hotmail.com
Buccaneers - Auric Boil - mysticmystere@uol.com.br
AI - Morgan, Domai, Aki, Roze.
Set this thread up for keeping track of the turns that will be the coninuation of that good game we started by ip play on sunday night (and hopefully we can continue every sunday)
Brief re-cap incase arci wants to see what he missed out (from my view anyways )
- Early explorations from the Hive find two nearby factions, Drones and Morgan.
- Fungal tower sprouts nearby, but is quickly destroyed by team of rovers.
- Chairman Lazerus acheives pact with the Drones.
- Morgan offers pact to Hive, offer is accepted.
- Planned society implemented
- Discovery of some ancient ruins provides a boost to early growth of several bases.
- Hive colonisation is quickly speeded up to surround other factions and cease land, large continent is now nearly completely under Hive control with colonies constantly being founded.
- Police state implemented
- Colonisation is further aided by presence of monsoon jungle and several deposits of raw minerals.
- Chairman Lazerus obtains comm links for the two aquatic factions, Blackbeard is pacted, Svensgaard obtains treaty.
- Wealth society implemented
- Council is summoned, 5 way voting alliance manages to deadlock Drone-Hive support for Chairman Lazerus.... Lazerus is sorely disappointed in two pact-mates and hopes relations can be improved soon.
- Hive people rejoice as the Weather Paradigm is completed and formers begin mass work on making environment more hospitable.
Turn 2144 sent to Captain Blackbeard (Auric)