2124 sent to Conciousness
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Turns of Delta Centauri
"Kri`lan taught me of the resonance and how to feel it. After much training, I could see - the very surface under our feet, Planet Itself - is a living, fluctuating nexus of energy, violent, beautiful and quite unstable. And I could feel its cousins - distant mirrors on the other side of the space time continuum - the far-flung Manifolds"
Prophet Cha Daw
"The Betrayer and I"
2125 sent to Conciousness!
I had nothing to do during this turn, so I just saved and exited doing nothing (my fastest play until now - 3 seconds!)
"Kri`lan taught me of the resonance and how to feel it. After much training, I could see - the very surface under our feet, Planet Itself - is a living, fluctuating nexus of energy, violent, beautiful and quite unstable. And I could feel its cousins - distant mirrors on the other side of the space time continuum - the far-flung Manifolds"
Prophet Cha Daw
"The Betrayer and I"
2126 to Conciousness"Kri`lan taught me of the resonance and how to feel it. After much training, I could see - the very surface under our feet, Planet Itself - is a living, fluctuating nexus of energy, violent, beautiful and quite unstable. And I could feel its cousins - distant mirrors on the other side of the space time continuum - the far-flung Manifolds"
Prophet Cha Daw
"The Betrayer and I"
2127 to AkiZeta!"Kri`lan taught me of the resonance and how to feel it. After much training, I could see - the very surface under our feet, Planet Itself - is a living, fluctuating nexus of energy, violent, beautiful and quite unstable. And I could feel its cousins - distant mirrors on the other side of the space time continuum - the far-flung Manifolds"
Prophet Cha Daw
"The Betrayer and I"