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Yang Goes Native - tracking thread
2182 sent to duMa
It wasn't as lucky for Yang as all that, KK. He found it expedient to break the truce we just made. He killed my Plasma rover prototype defenderand a probe team while losing a Plasma Sentinel to a scout behind a PD. My counterstrikes killed a Plasma defender, two missile empath infantry and a missile noodle and destroyed another Hive base. (too small to survive occupation)
He has a Locust approaching one of his erstwhile bases. Bummer.
No problem with the file here. Yang even called me after his base was destroyed, but I didn't deign to answer the comm. No crash, though.
After great tactical planning, Kolonel Krysia's Krusader's forces have been able to regain the initiative and avoid The Hives appeals...
2182 to MongooseThis is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.