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looking for a game

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  • looking for a game

    I'm looking for a pbem game. Would usually do one to two turns a day and would like a medium or large map. Any interest let me know!

  • #2
    Hi Dcole78!
    welcome aboard Apolyton, and the wonderful world of SMAC(X) PBEM! Here's another good site for PBEM games:

    Also, if you haven't played PBEM before, Dreifels has a very good website that has screen by screen instructions as far as how to play a PBEM turn:

    Hope this helps, and again, welcome aboard!



    • #3

      Looking to start a new game as well (with Apolyton as the communications hub).

      I like relatively default rules, but am flexible.

      Relatively loose on the Faction, but preference listed as follows: Gaians, Hive, University.

      I've only SMAC, no X.

      Hmm... what else? It's 5am here, brain slow, post more later if necessary.

      Hook set, bite, hungry players.

      Psst, Darsnan: Dcole78's been around since 99-07.
      Psst, Dcole78: Where y'been man!?
      Last edited by duMa; April 7, 2002, 23:21.
      Another Roadside Attraction


      • #4
        I could get into a new game, but I would much rather it were SMAX. FYI, you'all might be able to get SMAX at a reasonable cost not far from home if the following is accurate: Availability/Cost of SMAX according to Dreifels.

        Anyway, I could Setup/CMN the game for you people if you end up doing SMAC and can get enough players together. OTOH, I might be tempted by a SMAC team game (with 2 or 3 teams), either arbitrary or "themed" partnerships.


        • #5
          Count me in.

          After all of my CMNing duties for my new MPIP tourney, I will need some PBEMs to blow off some steam!

          Open to SMAC or SMAX and any and every rule.

          Faction preference (first three in order):

          - RedHaired B-i-t-c-h-e-s
          - Miriam's Magnificent AMAZONS
          - Believers

          Ooops, those are all the same one, aren't they?!?!?

          Let me know when we start. Please use my new e-mail address:

          Cheers ... Ted S.


          • #6
            I have time to play another game SMAC or SMACX. Team or not. However I don't think Johndmuller wants to be on my team (that won't rule out playing in the same game though )


            anything goes for me.
            Last edited by knowhow2; April 10, 2002, 11:26.
            It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


            • #7

              We have so far:

              johndmuller - potential CMN or 'team player'
              duMa - Gaians -
              tfs99 - Believers -
              Claw919 - Morganites -
              knowhow2 - open -
              Dcole78 - ? -

              My rules preferences are as follows (but flexible):

              Map settings:
              Huge (or large), random map, modified by CMN
              Erosion, Native Life, Clouds, Oceans - average

              Game settings:

              Huh... that was easy to write... !

              Once again, I say I've only SMAC, no SMAX. Also, 4 players sounds ideal to me, though I won't be bothered if there's more.

              Team play might be interesting, but I'll let everyone else decide on that.
              Last edited by duMa; April 10, 2002, 22:51.
              Another Roadside Attraction


              • #8
                Hey, I'll jump in if you'd like one more.

                Since it's SMAC, and not SMAX... I'll take Morgan.

                It's been a while - I'd love to get into a game again.

                Btw: Hi, Ted! Probably don't remember me - you SMACKED (pun intended) Jeff (jlnader@mindspring..) and I in a game about 2 years ago.

       is my email.


                • #9
                  David, you incorrigible old reprobate! How ya been, bud?

                  As I recall, Ted CMNd that game. It was Bingmann who cleaned our clocks.


                  • #10
                    as I wrote before

                    anything goes
                    It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                    • #11
                      Looks like we're good to go. All we need now is a CMN to come in and take the reigns.

                      johndmuller, are you interested?
                      Another Roadside Attraction


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by duMa

                        duMa - Gaians -
                        tfs99 - Believers -
                        Claw919 - Morganites -
                        knowhow2 - University* -
                        Dcole78 - Spartans* -
                        * Proposed faction assignments barring my hearing otherwise

                        Large, Random map -Average Erosion, Native Life, Clouds, Oceans
                        Default Settings - Directed Research, Pods On, Do or Die, Iron Man, etc.
                        Last chance for more specification on the settings. I will email Dcole78 to see whether or not he is "in" this game - since he started this thread, I would expect him to be, but who knows? I'm still open to playing a team game (two three-man or 3 two-man) if you all want to go that way, but if I don't see any agreement on that before I hear back from Dcole78, I'll just go ahead and set up the game.

                        If anyone has a password they want used, send me an email at John's email address and I will incorporate it when I run the first turn. If I hear back from Dcole78 soon I can probably have the game ready over the weekend sometime, otherwise probably on Tuesday (reserving Monday for the IRS ).


                        • #13
                          thanx johnD
                          It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                          • #14
                            Is Directed Research by default set 'on'?

                            I have a preference towards Blind Research myself. It seems most people like the Directed Research though, so don't let this point hold us back at all.

                            Yes, it's much appreciated JohnD!
                            Another Roadside Attraction


                            • #15
                              Hey all have emailed him and I am definitly in, hopefully first turns will start coming around soon. So what are we calling this for turn reporting? Also the non-human controled factions (looks to be the peacekeepers only) will still be around correct? Which level are we placing them at, I would prefer talent make them at least somewhat of a challenge . As for teams I prefer to let them develop naturaly as the game progresses, can the hive overcome their problems with the peacekeepers to ally with them when they have the believers breathing down their necks? What about the gians and the morganites? Tis just more fun that way I think.

                              Also have enjoyed sending in character emails to other players (only those I have located in game of course). Allows for more complicated treaties to be developed and adds a bit of roleplaying to the mix, which SMAC lends itself to so very well. Does anyone have a problem with this? Thanks a bunch this should be great!

