Originally posted by smhfan86
What is Darsnan babbling about this time?
What is Darsnan babbling about this time?
with the rest still to vote
Therefore, if as you claimed that it was the University that called the election, then you should not have voted yet as your turn was before the University! * Also, I would challenge your claims about my abilities to "exploit" infiltration knowledge to my military advantage: as all wise Faction Leaders are probably aware, why it is too early in the game for any sort of military endevours, and as is the case for several factions, why just being able to eke out survival on this Planet is enough currently. I myself am barely able to field any military units, and our military computers tell us our strength is "Feeble". We share this knowledge freely in the hopes of reassuring anyone disturbed by the subtle nuances of the Chairman's words.
* OOC Note: I believe (but am not positive, as its late and its time for bed) that there is a PBEM bug whereby when the AI calls an election, it then appears as though the next human player in sequence has in actuality called the election instead. However, in good role playing, why the Spartans will always take advantage of the situation to make out the Hive to be their true sinister selves!
