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AHAC1 Turn tracking thread

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  • Hi Mongoose:

    Interesting history. Just strange that for so much effort into the game its darn near a fatal flaw!! It really is surprising they didn't patch it to repair the problem subsequent to noticing this "BIG HOLE" in the game.

    Ol well, I guess we'll make due anyway and hopefully the rest of the players are ready for 4th gear



    • Yes, Aborman is supposed to have the turn. It turns out he doesn't, since I accidentally sent him the wrong file (again). Turn rezipped, resent.

      Well, it seems to me that they never intended to include Multiplayer in this particular game. It seems the creators, ever since CivNet, consider multiplayer functionality to be an "extra" that deserves another release (like Civ2 MPGE).

      I suppose there are reasons for this. You have to admit, this game isn't exactly designed for multiplayer. Like, I think it was Aborman, or maybe Black Sunrise, said (in the RP3 thread), with seven human players, if we manage one full cycle a week, we'll be finished in a good five years. It's not like PBEMing a board game like Diplomacy, or Axis and Alies. The implementation is, by the nature of the game, crude and akward.

      Maybe this is why the developers are so reluctant to release MP versions of these games. I know I don't like releasing something crude and inelegant, regardless of how it's intended audience will percieve it.

      I have never been so dissapointed as when, in a Western Civ class at the community college, I turned in an essay that I *knew* to be far below what I was capable of (had I put in the effort). It was very pretty, full of glowing generalities, and demonstrated that I understood a historical mechanism (in this case, the development of towns and cities from a village economy during the Middle Ages). The thing is, I had *no* factual material to support this general description: no years, no dates, no names, no places. Just the mechanism.

      I got an "A" on that paper, and the professor loved it. It's a travesty, really.
      To those who understand,
      I extend my hand.
      To the doubtful I demand,
      Take me as I am.


      • "...with seven human players, if we manage one full cycle a week, we'll be finished in a good five years..."

        --- assuming we finish in 2360o that is.

        We're managing a full cycle on average every 3 days. The troops should be home in time for christmas

        Hari Kari - or however you spell it (doesn't really matter - it's how you pronounce it that counts, right?) is an honourable way to concede defeat - it's the bit about taking 10,000 colonists with you that takes the biscuit.

        EDIT: mathematical miscalculation, "buzzes like a fridge he talks in maths" --- ok computer, let's get this show on the road.
        Last edited by John Paul Jones; February 17, 2002, 15:33.
        Every positive value has it's price in negative terms - the genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.
        ---Pablo Picasso.


        • Hopefully not all the players in this game are peaceful builders... because THAT would maybe take us well into the 2300s with still seven human players.....
          It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


          • Hi all:

            Move 2109 sent on to Mongoose! JPJ evidently was kidding about reducing the time frame of this game. Vendetta received from Hive!!!!



            • MY 2110 sent to Darsnan.


              • on to JPJ.

                To All,
                I will be out of town until Thursday evening. FYI.



                • thx for the notice Dar
                  2110 on to Knowhow2
                  Every positive value has it's price in negative terms - the genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.
                  ---Pablo Picasso.


                  • turn away....
                    It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                    • Turn to Aborman
                      To those who understand,
                      I extend my hand.
                      To the doubtful I demand,
                      Take me as I am.


                      • Hi all:

                        Move 2110 in cyberspace to Mongoose



                        • 2111 to Knowhow2
                          Every positive value has it's price in negative terms - the genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.
                          ---Pablo Picasso.


                          • turn 2111 to ironwood
                            It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                            • Turn to Aborman

                              Ironwood looked upon the town from his administrative center.

                              It was such a small thing, nothing compared to the great and vast cities of Old Earth, but every bit of it was private property, owned by the man most capable of running it (in many cases, this was Ironwood himself). There was no public housing, no government subsidized mortgages, not a shread of that which one would call "communal." It was all owned, by the person with the capability to make money off it, by the one who had worked hard and smart enough to be worthy of the rewards of wealth.

                              Ironwood felt the years weighing on him. Somewhere along the line, he had lost his vision. The youth had gone from his step, the fire gone from his eyes... but not quite. It was as if the fire was still there, but there were other quests to be undertaken, other roads to be traveled. His money would be an asset in this; it was not the end in itself.

                              The other faction leaders had never understood this. They called him "Greedy," "Selfish," and every other word ordinarly applied to a man foolishly devoted to the accumulation of wealth for it's own sake. Ironwood understood money not as an end, but as a means. The end was happiness. And Ironwood was not happy with his life.

                              He had often neglected his duties lately, turning more and more to just reading books in his study, or visiting with an old friend of his, a woman he'd met on the Unity years ago, and had reunited with him only recently. He realized that his work was done, and retirement was nigh. It would, truly, be a good retirement.

                              So he called for his personal assistant. "Keating!" he barked, with the authority with which he had always carried himself.

                              "Yes sir?"

                              "There's an announcement to be made. Tell the board that they'll have to find another CEO. It's time for me to retire."

                              Keating smiled at that. He knew how hard his boss had been working himself lately, and how little gratification it had brought him of late. "Yes sir." He started to turn to the door, but stopped. He turned back to his boss. "Sir, if I may say so? Well... you've done well."

                              Ironwood smiled at that, and replied simply, "I know."

                              Guys, I'm starting to lose interest in the game. The game isn't getting less interesting, rather my real life is getting more interesting, and playing my turns is starting to feel like a chore. I'm going to start a thread asking for a replacement for my games. I may return (and take the place of another burnout), but for now, I need a break from this. Spring is coming, and I'm feeling too restless to sit at a computer and play my turns.
                              To those who understand,
                              I extend my hand.
                              To the doubtful I demand,
                              Take me as I am.


                              • Hi There,

                                I'm in IronWood1, which Ironwood, along with this game, is leaving.

                                If you don't have a replacement signed up, I'd be willing to replace him (and mabye one of you guys could replace him in my game? He's the Cybenetic Conc).

                                As he can testify, I am a fast returner, and can generally do 2 turns a day (not that a 7 game player game will be that fast ).

                                Although I've never played as Morgon (PeaceKeeping duty is my typical game) I wouldn't mind playing as him.


