Like Hobbes, I am rather distressed that this issue was posted publicly. Since we all know now that you are referring to me, I thought I would answer publicly.
From Tau Ceti's Tournament Rules:
Yes, this does include infiltration.
Quoted from NorthSwordsman:
Absolutely untrue! If you probe a human faction, you are not in violation of the rules. You are in violation of the rules if the game gives you a message saying that you must either "Declare Vendetta" or "Let it go for now". This basically means your probe team has been caught red-handed and the message is supposed to go the probee. This is a game bug in multi-player.
---[Edited to finish the thought above: The violation would be if you chose the "Let it go for now" option. The rule says you must choose "Declare Vendetta" if the game gives you that message box.]---
Now, if I did probe a human faction and that screen were given, I would choose "Declare Vendetta". I play these games for fun and my integrity is a lot more important to me than trying to "win" a game.
That probe ship is not even meant to try to infiltrate another human faction, however (as Hobbes points out), I would be well within the rules if I did want to use it to probe a human faction.
In case you are unaware, when you probe an AI faction, the first time your odds of success are pretty high. After that, they have "security interlocks" that make your chances much lower. So, it is worth it to me to send my ships far away to probe new alien bases. The way this game is set up I have to sail the seas between the other humans' islands and the aliens' poles. These areas are the open seas. It is safer to keep those probe ships away from the alien coastline until I am ready to move toward their bases (as shadowlords3 can attest from a recent post about the alien's uncanny radar abilities).
*And, surprisingly enough, the probe ship was indeed taken out by an alien needlejet during the aliens' turn.*
If another human thinks my probes are getting too close for comfort, they are more than welcome to blow them away. That is not even an act of war and does not require "Declare Vendetta".
If you feel that a rules violation has occurred, then you are welcome to notify Tau Ceti. Otherwise, I would appreciate not being publicly questioned on my integrity in following the rules of the game.
From Tau Ceti's Tournament Rules:
If a probe team action is employed against a Treatied or Pacted faction, the initiator must choose the "Declare Vendetta" option, unless permission is received in advance for the action (email).
Quoted from NorthSwordsman:
Please be advised that if you probe, you are in violation of rules.
---[Edited to finish the thought above: The violation would be if you chose the "Let it go for now" option. The rule says you must choose "Declare Vendetta" if the game gives you that message box.]---
Now, if I did probe a human faction and that screen were given, I would choose "Declare Vendetta". I play these games for fun and my integrity is a lot more important to me than trying to "win" a game.
That probe ship is not even meant to try to infiltrate another human faction, however (as Hobbes points out), I would be well within the rules if I did want to use it to probe a human faction.
In case you are unaware, when you probe an AI faction, the first time your odds of success are pretty high. After that, they have "security interlocks" that make your chances much lower. So, it is worth it to me to send my ships far away to probe new alien bases. The way this game is set up I have to sail the seas between the other humans' islands and the aliens' poles. These areas are the open seas. It is safer to keep those probe ships away from the alien coastline until I am ready to move toward their bases (as shadowlords3 can attest from a recent post about the alien's uncanny radar abilities).
*And, surprisingly enough, the probe ship was indeed taken out by an alien needlejet during the aliens' turn.*
If another human thinks my probes are getting too close for comfort, they are more than welcome to blow them away. That is not even an act of war and does not require "Declare Vendetta".
If you feel that a rules violation has occurred, then you are welcome to notify Tau Ceti. Otherwise, I would appreciate not being publicly questioned on my integrity in following the rules of the game.