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Turn Tracking: IW1 (Ironwood 1)

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  • Turn 2214 to comstar
    Fifteen apparitions have I seen,
    The worst a coat upon a coat hanger


    • Well, there's 2 places to go, One on the West and one in the north. The West defence (where the Uni's fighters are) is a defesive action. The attack in the north is an offensive action, that will lead the way to a ground based asuslt on Sparta Command.


      • Move 2215 on to Arborman!

        Rovers in north to assist in offensive push!


        • Be careful. Those &(U)! Sparta INFantry units are tougher than my trained Missle Rovers! We need air support.


          • Hi guys,

            Sorry to intrude upon your game, but I've read the whole thread of IW1 and find it so funny . I love how you report things, I subscribe to it so that I can keep up with the saga. Anyways... I am now so curious as to what is happening ! Could one (or all) of you send me a saved file (with password of course), so I could see for myself ? It would help me in following your posts. Thanks.

            Your loyal fan,
            Krysia's Krusader

            This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


            • Well, the United Nations kicked the Belivers Butt. Feeling powerful, the UN continued aginast the Spartan's.

              The initnal advaance went well, with 4 cities falling.

              Then someone gave the Spartana's some high grade weapons tech.

              Things went to hell at that point. I lose all my gains AND the cities I had captured from the Belivers. The Spartan attack is now stalemated, but only because of Air support from the Universty. My best rover units are unable to HURT the Elite Sparta infantry.


              • I don't see anythijng wrong with it, who wants to send him a turn?


                • 2215 to comstar.

                  The University can't spare any more units for the peacekeeper defence if we are to have any hope of success in the southern offensive.

                  I don't see any problem in sending him a turn. Should I send it?
                  Fifteen apparitions have I seen,
                  The worst a coat upon a coat hanger


                  • Hi all:

                    Move 2217 on to Arborman

                    Meanwhile . . . .


                    Initial Cyborg engagements as planned met the Spartan front line troops with surprise with quick thrusts to their lines. The front line Spartan 6-3-1 infantry unit, along with a reinforcement missile rover were quickly overran with a probe force equally destroyed.

                    The Spartans were quick however to react mobilizing there elite support forces and counterattacking destroying a Cyborg missile rover force. Continued Cyborg support from the north is continuing. It reminded the Cyborg commander of past historical military action similar to the mid-2100 century Chinese military rush at Chosen reservoir due to the Spartans shear military numbers.

                    A diplomatic note to the University has been forwarded seeking to obtain the rights to build jets of their patentable design since they intend to limit their UN forces due to other military actions.


                    • Thanks to the rovers of the Cyborg's, the 1st effective counter attack in the north has began! Once Air Power has been fully developled, I can see no reason why Spart Command itself can hold now!

                      The Western Flank is secure thanks to the air power of the Univsersty, and the panic-like speading of new cities far far away from Sparta has been possible to be dropped.


                      • Hi all:

                        Move 2218 send to Arborman!

                        Meanwhile . . . .


                        Additional Cyborg missile rovers continue to arrive at the battle front. Continuing to rearm nation to assist in counter attack to our friends in the south.

                        In a surprise technology breakthrough, the Cyborg scientists discovered air power last turn and have begun to build the factories to begin production. We thank the University for its kind offer to contract out the technology offer to the Cyborg nation but with its discovery, we have decline their contract offer. We have however, agreed to Pact with the University to better battle our common enemy, the Spartans!


                        • Hi all:

                          Forgot to let you all know when I last posted that I had to reboot during game and thus the notice. The high resolution screen when from 1024 x 700 resolution to 320 x 320 resolution and halted the game dead in its tracks????


                          • The development of new technology can only better the progress of us all, humanity or cyborg.

                            Troops are rushing around behind the lines in preparation for an offensive on the southern flank of the Spartans. One transport was tragically lost with all hands when an unexpected isle of the deep intercepted it on the way to the Spartan mainland. It is as if the planet itself is supporting the Spartan cause.

                            Nevertheless, we must prevail, and our labs and troops are at full capacity in our relentless drive to success.
                            Fifteen apparitions have I seen,
                            The worst a coat upon a coat hanger


                            • Additional rovers on their way to the Spartan front!

                              Move 2219 on to Arborman!


                              • 2219 to comstar. Sorry for the delay.
                                Fifteen apparitions have I seen,
                                The worst a coat upon a coat hanger

