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Turns of Role Play 2

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  • #16
    I opened my turn to check on the Believers, and Social psych is present and accounted for.

    I didn't move anything as it looks like a restart will be necessary



    • #17
      Hmmm. Keep the game going. If everyone else is okay it could be I made some kind of mistake. Maybe I forgot about the different settings for prototyping in MP and my synth sentinels will be there if I use the design workshop.


      • #18
        Speaking as CMN, I know it is very easy to forget that Morgan should start with Synthmetal Sentinels prototyped. So you did not check the F2 screen?


        • #19
          No, I know I should have checked it but I never thought to.

          Keep the game going. Even if I don't have the tech, which is dubious, I don't think this is big enough an issue to justify a restart.


          • #20
            If Redfred choses to continue even if the tech is missing, is there a way we can "make it up" to him somehow? Perhaps the university player could gift the tech (I am assuming, perhaps incorrectly, that the uni will likely beeline toward ind. auto and get it shortly). Its not a perfect solution but if redfred does not want a restart we should try to do something to get him what he should have.
            You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


            • #21
              In light of above, Believers turn played (you'll get the reload message) and sent to Tau Ceti


              • #22
                2103 to Hydro.


                • #23
                  Tau Ceti,

                  My Internet at home has been fitful the last two days. I’ll try it this evening to see. Please send it to my work e-mail just in case…





                  • #24
                    I think Flubber is correct about "making it up" to RedFred. I will be happy to gift a tech to RedFred if he is missing his opening tech. The only problem is that this is a Blind Research game and I am bound by my faction agenda to keep my research focused on Discover, so there is no telling when I might actually get Industrial Base.


                    • #25
                      2103 on to qantaga
                      You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                      • #26
                        2103 sent to RedFred.


                        • #27
                          Thanks for all the concern, but it was my poor observation and and not DD's error. Everything is fine and I do indeed have the tech I am supposed to.

                          2203 is on to Deimos.


                          • #28
                            I will be unavailable to play from Thurs-Saturday (gettin' hitched). If you want the turn to be played by a replacement or the mod , thats ok with . . . Otherwise there will be a gap in my response.

                            Other than this, I do not forsee any unavailability for the next few months.
                            You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                            • #29
                              Congrats Flubber! That sounds like a legitimate excuse for a few days absence if ever there was one.

                              I see Qantaga has gotten the ball rolling on the narrative. Are we going do set up a separate thread for that? If so, Qantaga should do it and cut and paste his first entry there.


                              • #30
                                Hi RP2ers,

                                There wasn't a Tales of RP2, so I created one. Please post, or repost, fiction there.

                                Congrats Flubber! You deserve (a little) time off for a wedding, after all...


