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Turns of Role Play 2

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  • Turns of Role Play 2

    This is a SMAC v4.0 game

    Settings: Huge planet, abundant native life, Ultimate Builder Map.

    Other settings: Standard (includes Unity Pod scattering - Believers severly disadvantaged in 50 years playtest without tech-popping capability.)
    PLUS Blind Research (use preferred settings below) and Unity Survey on (because map is known and Planet was mapped form space)

    Additional rules:

    1) A faction may not use any SE setting that conflicts with its agenda.

    Agendas (Choices) and Aversions (for those who don’t know these by heart):

    Peacekeepers – agenda Democracy, aversion Police State
    Hive – agenda Police State, aversion Democracy
    Gaians – agenda Green , aversion Free Market
    Believers – agenda Fundamentalist, aversion Knowledge
    UoP – agenda Knowledge, aversion Fundamentalism
    Morgan – agenda Free Market, aversion Planned
    Spartans – agenda Power, aversion Wealth

    Here is a run-down on the basic rules of incompatible agendas (miss-matched SE agenda or aversion):
    * You may NOT pact with a faction that has an incompatible SE objective. For instance, the PKs could not pact with the Hive since the basis for their societies are too different.
    * You may NOT pact with a faction that has a SE selection that your faction has an aversion to. For example, the Gaians could not pact with the UoP if they had a SE of free market.
    * You may treaty with a faction that has an incompatible agenda or SE, but there has to be a very good reason for this. This rationale would be explained in a post to the other RP players, or in a storyline (like I did in RP1).
    * If a faction with an incompatible agenda also has an incompatible SE selection then you may not have more than a truce. For instance, if Morgan is running FM, then the Gaians could only be at truce or war with them. If he later switches to Green (!!) then the Gaians could have a treaty of friendship with Morgan (for as long as THAT would last…) but not a pact.
    * Likewise, if a faction has a SE that is on your agenda you should be friendly to them. The extent of that friendship is, however, up to the faction leader.

    So, here are the following factions that can not EVER pact:
    * Gaians-Morgan (Gaians hate FM)
    * PKs-Hive (PKs hate Police, Hive hates Democracy)
    * Believers-UoP (Believers hate Knowledge)
    * Sparta-everyone (just kidding…)
    (The Gaian agenda of Democracy is debatable. If she has an agenda of Green and Democracy then Dee couldn’t pact with either Yang or Morgan

    2) A faction may not win a cooperative victory with another faction with an incompatible agenda. In this particular game, this means that the Hive may not win a cooperative victory with the Peacekeepers.

    3) Research settings: Factions emphasize their "default" interests when researching.

    (The default interests are:
    Gaians: Explore
    Peacekeepers: Explore, Discover
    Hive: Conquer, Build
    Morgan: Build
    Spartans: Discover, Conquer
    University: Discover
    Believers: Explore, Conquer)

    4) No cheats. Refer to the various cheats threads if you are unsure, or pose a question here. Allowable variants from the usual 'Poly list are:

    reverse engineering (except probe to rover),
    Design Workshop upgrades,
    and stockpile insert after military unit

    5) This is a role-playing-oriented game, so play your faction to the hilt, and don't worry too much about winning!

    Players, in turn order, are:

    Gaians - Hydro
    Hive - Flubber
    University - Qantaga
    Morgan - RedFred
    Sparta - Deimos
    Believers - Googlie
    PeaceKeepers - Tau Ceti

    Passwords, and forwarding e-mail addies for the next player have been e-mailed to all of you

    RP2 - 2101 has been sent to Hydro

    Good luck all
    Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet, available at The Chironian Guild:

  • #2

    This is not an auspicious beginning. I tried loading with my password. It failed three times, and then I was bumped to the Save screen. I tried again, got a tampering warning, and the same thing happened. I made sure caplock was off, and I was careful on spelling my secret assigned password.

    Any suggestions?


    BTW - I got two e-mails from our good DD. Did I get the right file?


    • #3
      Sure you tried to open it in classic SMAC, and not the smax variant of smac?


      • #4

        I am very sure, since I accidentally opened SMAX and then RP2. AC promptly crashed and gave me a terrax error. So, having figured that out, I opened with Classic, where it booted me out, as I mentioned above. I also tried re-unzipping in case the file was corrupted and that failed too. I am suspicious that the password isn't correct since I don't think I could have entered it incorrectly 12 times.



        • #5
          DiliDad will need to check it then, for veracity.

          his e-mail addy is:

          Just ask him to confirm that the password he gave you does open the turn (I did the unmentionable as a CMN recently when I gave the wrong password to a player - no end of confusion and frustration - so it does happen)



          • #6
            It was OK on my computer, but to be sure I re-did the multiplayer and played a blank turn as each faction. I suffled your scouts around to exapnd your map but did nothing else. Only complication was that a University scout had to kill a worm.

            Redone game sent --it's 2002.
            Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet, available at The Chironian Guild:


            • #7

              Hmmmm (Hydro says to himself, as he doubts his minimal competence). I’ll have to try RP2 2102. If that fails I may need some remedial help in basic PBEM mechanics.

              Thanks for looking into this for me, DD. I appreciate your patience.



              • #8
                Hi all,

                Well, what was obviously user error didn't rear it ugly head this time. RP2 2102 worked just fine. Turn sent to Chairman Flubber of the Hive.



                • #9
                  Turn 2102 on to Qatanga (storyline tomorrow when I have time)
                  You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                  • #10
                    Flubber, I haven't received the turn yet. It may be lost in the mists of the Internet. Could you double-check the e-mail address you have for me and resend, please? My e-mail is:




                    • #11
                      2nd try sent-- I think i was misspelling your handle
                      You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                      • #12
                        Turn received. Thanks for the resend. 2102 sent to RedFred.


                        * Story cut and pasted to Tales of RP2 thread *
                        Last edited by Qantaga; October 17, 2001, 00:30.


                        • #13
                          My game opened and played with only one hitch. The Morganite prerequisite tech of Ind. Base was missing. Provided all other factions did not receive their normal starting techs, I am happy to continue.


                          • #14
                            RedFred, I'm sorry to hear that you are missing your starting tech. It looks like a restart may be in order. I did have two starting techs (InfoNets and the University bonus Discovery tech).


                            • #15
                              Odd. Doc:Mobility is in place here.

                              Turn to Googlie. If you're short, RedFred, then a restart is required.

                              Have you send DiDad a note to ask him to check yet?
                              "That which does not kill me, makes me stronger." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
                              "That which does not kill me, missed." -- Anonymous war gamer
                              "I fear that we have awakened a sleeping giant and instilled in it a terrible resolve." - Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

