Year 2245 to Stephen.
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Turns of AXT042 Fourth Thread
Year 2246 to Stephen.
Transcript of Holovid Conference Call
Conversation between Druid Tenchusatsu in Mindworm Pass and Defense Minister in Dreams of Green
DT: Report on "Operation Payback"?
DM: Unfortunately, we were only able to achieve one of the three objectives. Chi Sector succumbed to our Mind Control probe, and we obtained the schematics for their new Trained Shard Choppers. Unfortunately, our assault on their forward base was not as successful. Not only did we lose the two Mind Controlled Shard Choppers, we also lost a lot of our own choppers in the process.
DT: And the Drones' ability to retaliate?
DM: They have a few Shard Choppers already within range of our mainland and our northwest bases. This time they won't be able to take us by surprise, but I'm afraid there's little we can do to prevent one or two bases of our own from falling.
DT: OK, you did a good job considering that the odds were stacked against us. Notify all AAA troops and police to be on high alert from any Drone attack.
DM: So you do expect a violent response from them?
DT: I expect some B.S. from their propaganda machine, like "Drone blood has been spilled on Drone soil," then renewed attacks and reinforcements on their front line. They'll even stick to their "Mad Colonel Xi" story, I suppose. After that, anything is possible.
DM: Looks like we're at the mercy of the Drones.
DT: Uhhh, when were we not?
Scientific Poll of 500 Gaian citizens
Would you support action of military retribution against the Drones? (asked before the failed Operation Payback)
Yes: 75%
No: 20%
Did you think the Gaian military should have struck back at the Drones? (asked AFTER the failed Operation Payback)
Yes: 35%
No: 50%
Don't know: 10%
(These polls have a margin of error of +3%.)
2247 to the gaians
Personal Log of foreman flubber
the gaians have shown their true colors. On the very moment that we graciously return their base to them they attack in the most cowardly and devious fashion. I have ordered my personell to prepare for war and our initial counterstrikes have caused a lot of damage. We have recaptured both Song of Planet and Gaia's Landing. I expect to hold neither of them as their military or secret police will retake them shortly but it was sufficient to deny the gaians those production centres for this fiscal period and as a bonus it threw a good chunk of their bases into open revolt.
I will continue science efforts but for the most part this has become a war to determine the supremacy of Planet. I have a lot of respect for the abilities of the gaian military but I hope that a larger number of bases combined with our greater productive capacity will win the day
An address by foreman flubber to the Drone people
My people,
We once again find ourseleves at war with an intractable enemy. We are not blameless in this as our Colonel Xi had attacked the Gaians and taken two of their bases a scant few years ago. However, I made the error of believing that the gaians were committed to peace and did not push the attack. In fact I voluntarily returned those bases to gaian control. However, at the very moment that we vacated Song of Planet, gaian forces launched attacks on a number of fronts. Chi sector was lost for a time.
However I am pleased to report that the forces of the Free Drones were prepared and have struck back. We have recaptured Chi Sector and for good measure have also captured Song of Planet and Gaia's Landing with a small commando team. While it is not anticipated that this team will be able to hold those bases, the team has done a remarkable job to sow dissension in the Gaian ranks.
My people, I come to you tonight to confess an error in my judgement. I truly believed that the gaians would commit to peace. I now see that the only path to peace will be through reducing the military threat that they pose. This will not be an easy task and there are bound to be setbacks before we prevail.
And I am confident that we will prevail. We are the most industrious and hardworking people on Planet. Our capacity for worh is unsurpassed. All I ask is that you each provide an additional effort so that we might defeat this agressor.
In Drone Intelligence HQ
" Seaprobes are no longer a threat ?"
" No we have eliminated most vulnerable ports and managed to hit most of their probeships. But we must note that thier land probe force is being augmented. They are a clear threat to us. We must be vigilentYou don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo
Year 2247 to Stephen. It's the endgame now.
Personal Log, Year 2247
Druid Tenchusatsu, First Advisor to Lady Deirdre Skye
The public continually cries out against war. Funny how they didn't when we were winning.
I now realize that Operation Payback was a mistake. Of course, had it succeeded, or had the timing been a little better, historians would look back and call it a brilliant move. Now, it will go down into the history books as a cowardly, shameful act, not a bold, daring move as I had originally hoped.
Meanwhile, Lady Deirdre is still suffering psychological depression and stays out of the public spotlight. Reportedly she has been conversing with the captured Commissioner Pravin Lal. They're probably getting drunk on sorrows, despair, and past mistakes. I would join them, but I've got a nation to run and a war to fight.
As for our military operations, we have once again taken back Gaia's Landing and Song of Planet, but our hold on those two bases is tenuous at best. Luckily they continually open themselves up to probe actions, but I fear even our superior intelligence will not save us this time. But who knows? Maybe the Drones will make another huge tactical mistake?
Yeah, and Locusts might fly out of my butt ...
At Free Drone HQ
" shouldn't we be concerned that the gaians can probe back the bases that we take with commando units or probe them for tech.?"
" Of course we are concerned. But we have determined that they will likely be able to probe away tech in any event so there is no gain in taking inordinate caution or spending inordinate resources in trying to protect tech. Within a few short turns they will likely have all the tech that we do and it will become a non-issue"
"What about the bases, won't they recapture them immediately??"
" Yes, but every year we keep the productive capacity of those bases from producing ANYTHING useful for the gaians is to our advantage. While they should be easily recaptured, they will have to expend either cash or military force just to retain their current lands. As well, we note that our capture of the HGP has thrown a large number of their bases into disarray"
" So will we attempt these commando strikes in future years??"
"That depends. the gaians are building a substantial chopper fleet and our first goal should be to contain those choppers ASAP. We are building more of them than they are so if they want a war of attrition that is what they shall have."You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo
After posting my part of the storyline, I forgot to add the most important tidbit! So here it is ...
E-mail, security level: TOP SECRET
From: Colin Cooley, Head of Gaian Intelligence
To: Druid Tenchusatsu
Re: Project Big Sister is ahead of schedule
(This e-mail was received and opened after the Druid made his last log entry.)
I am pleased to inform you that Project Big Sister is well ahead of schedule, despite the Cloning Vats constantly changing hands. We are now standing by for further instructions.
By the way, how is Lady Deirdre these days? We'll need her to guide and focus our empaths. Unity and singularity is of utmost importance for this project. Next to Lindley Ling, she is our strongest psionic talent. Yet unlike the youthful and impulsive Lindley, Deirdre is better able to bring focus and direction to our empaths. I hope and pray to Gaia that she isn't too depressed right now.
On the street at Free Drone Central
" Did you see the news? Some of those Gaians acted like they have lost already"
" Ahh thats a bluff. They want us to think we are winning so we will slack off and get careless. Didn't you hear . . . they took back their two bases again today. We are right back to where we were when this started. "
" We'll win though . . . Our boys are the best !!"
" Well I hope so . . . but our secret police is no match for theirs. best I can figure is that we just have to outproduce them and see what happens."You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo
2248 to the gaians
From a columnist in the Drone weekly blurb
. . . our leaders claim we are winning this war but I don't know. Just take the latest battles, they claim they inflicted "heavy damage", whatever that means, but even the military brass admit they captured no bases on this mission. Its easy to claim success but when that success is not supported by something tangible, I question the veracity of our leadership. Frankly I do not believe them. . .
In Free Drone HQ
" Why did not the foreman order the capture of those bases? After all, three different bases were entirely emptied of defenders and could have been captured."
"It was a conscious decision by the foreman not to allow such easy probe opportunities."
"Isn't that a flipflop?. . . It seems the foreman cannot follow a consistent strategy."
"Well he saw that the gaians were running thought control and there would be less disorder caused due to their better police-- there seemed less advantage in capturing bases so he chose not to do it. Also being unpredictable can be an asset as the enemy cannot count on your response."Last edited by Flubber; September 27, 2001, 21:09.You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo
Year 2248 to Stephen.
Fleet Garrison, Sea Base
Security Holovid Footage
Year 2248, after the Drone aerial assault
A set of 30 cm. steel doors open up, and a Gaian citizen (formerly a citizen of Sparta) emerges from the bomb shelter. A lady of Hispanic origin (who looks curiously like the former Colonel Santiago), she looks up at the bright, clear sky through the pressure dome. The Drone choppers hit all of the anti-air defenses, but left the civilian structures unscathed.
Another former Spartan citizen also emerges, a tall, muscular blond man with a face that looks as if it was chiseled out of rock. Much like the lady, he also gazes at the sky, then at the decimated air defenses.
The lady starts to say to the man, "Well that wasn't so bad."
"What do you mean?" replies the man. "Isn't it obvious that the Drones are merely toying with us?"
"You know, I can't believe we're still under the rule of that weak-ass Druid Tenchusatsu and his whore, Lady Deirdre 'Kiss me, I'm a ****in' pacifist' Skye!"
"Yeah, I hear ya. So you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"That we should just join the Drones? Makes sense to me. Col. Santiago always respected strength, and to honor her memory, we should join up with the strong ... aaaaaaarrrrgggghhhhh!!!"
Suddenly the lady clutches her forehead with her right hand as she doubles over from a sudden migrane. A short while later, the man follows suit. After several seconds of pain, the two shake their heads, then straightens back up as if nothing happened.
"Boy, that was weird," says the lady.
"Yeah, sure was," replies the man. "Come on, we gotta go help the others in putting out the fires."
"Sure thing. Long live Gaia's Stepdaughters!" she says in a very dramatic change of attitude.
"Long live Gaia's Stepdaughters!" repeats the man who obviously received a similar attitude adjustment.
Scientific Poll of 500 Gaian citizens
Do you support continued war against the Drones? (asked right after the failed Operation Payback)
Yes: 35%
No: 50%
Don't know: 10%
Do you support continued war against the Drones? (asked just one week ago)
Yes: 99%
Don't know: 1%
(This latest poll has a margin of error of +0.00001%.)
2249 to allen
PRESS BRIEFING AT NEW DRONE CENTRAL (military press relations officer is speaking)
". . . . report another successful mission into gaian territory. We won 22 battles and lost 6 according to latest reports. Our missions continue to reduce the capabilities of the Gaian military and cripple their infrastructure. We have completely decimated the defending troops in 5 gaian bases. Until the gaians restore air defenders to those bases, they will be useless as staging points for their forces. Questions ?? "
" John Jones - Daily Blabber . . . How can you call the missions a success when we lost troops and captured NOTHING"
(press officer) " As we have said, we are engaged in a systematic attempt to degrade the military capabilities of the gaians and our missions to date have done that. Our esyimates is that we have reduced the gaians forces by 12 % and their industrial capacity by 19%. We expect to inflict further reductions on them by further attacks"
" Biff Steele-- Guns and Ammo . . . Is you reticence to attack a result of the powers of the gaian secret police? We have heard rumours that they have amazing powers of mind control."
" We have a great respect for the mind control powers of the gaians and for that reason are making every attempt to avoid putting our troops in positions where they may be mind controlled. Our secret police forces have created some countermeasures but the reality is that they take time to implement. Therefore the prudent course is to ensure an area is relatively safe from probes. No area is completely safe BUT by systematic attacks we hope to clear certain areas"
" Ima Frade -- Daily Capitulator. . . What about reports that the gains are developing magic secret police that can airdrop into anywhere?"
(press officer) "That is not true. The gaians have paratroopers just as we have BUT the aerocomplex prevents ANYONE from dropping within 2 km of our bases. They must land and it is then that they are vulnerable"
" Alberto Hoover -- Spy Day . . . We are getting reports that the gaians are building a new secret project . . . How can this be if the Gaians are in such dire straits as you claim?"
(press officer) "They are not in dire straits. make no mistake about this. They are a powerful empire with many capabilities. We must continue to work hard if we are to win this war. As to the secret project . . . yes they are building one through great effort and sacrifice by their people. We believe it is an attempt to discover technoligies with which they may better fight this war. We are looking at options as to how we may best deal with their abilities once this project is complete. Thats all the questions for now, I will have a further briefing at 1800. Thank you"
Diary of foreman flubber
The gaians are proving to be wily adversaries. While we have the ability to capture a number of their bases, the existence of nearby probes and probeships makes that unwise. They are hoarding energy now and our scientiest have noted that they use energy when they mind-control our guys. So I half expect an attempt on a major base of ours. The other possibility is that they are collecting energy to push through the universal translator thing. Either way does not seem that good for us.
I see the only good option is to continue our degradation of their abilities. Every base that does not have a good AAA defense is useless to them as a staging area. Every troop that manages to kill their formers and crawlers, reduces their ability to strike back.
If only I could get a handle on their probes. They pop up everywhere and anywhere and Planet only knows where they will show up next.Last edited by Flubber; September 28, 2001, 12:09.You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo
Year 2249 to Stephen.
Transcript of Security Holocam Footage
Secret Project Construction Site, Lucky Autumn
Scientist 1: Why the heck are we constructing a Universal Translator, anyway? Everyone on Planet speaks English, don't they?
Scientist 2: I guess some people want to glean some wisdom off of the writings and glyphs engraved on the monoliths. Perhaps that will lead to new technology discoveries ...
Scientist 1: Hey, wait a minute, hold on ... I just got an urgent e-mail. We're to change our project to The Pholus Mutagen.
Scientist 2: Say again? How the heck are we supposed to just change horses in mid-race?
Scientist 1: Well, according to "Secret Projects for Dummies," all we need to do is hit this here button that says "Change."
Year 2250 to Stephen. Game is almost over.
Covert Ops Center, Fallow Time
Report from Probe Team, somewhere within a field of fungus
You have miscalculated, sir. The Pholus Mutagen did not give us freedom of movement through the fungus, as you had surmised. Instead, the fungus is only acting as a defensive shield for us, which I'm afraid would be inadequate against the Drone air force.
New Gaian Headquarters
Mindworm Pass
Druid: Well, what do you think?
Advisor: My honest opinion, sir?
Druid: Do I ever ask for anything less?
Advisor: No, sir. Well ...
Druid: ... well?
Advisor: Let's just say I think you should write your last will in testament.