Now that must be a record: thrice in one day to Qantaga.
No announcement yet.
Turns of AXT054, second thread
Toasted one Caretaker former attempting to establish a beachhead area to plant a base- that northern area is all fungus, so it was apparently trying to clear it out. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk... not allowed.. Aliens make a nice toasty crunchy noise when clobbered with an r-laser rover. :-). I'll be happy when we obilerate all of them.
Anyone ever have an alien faction submit to you? I haven't.
On to Shadow.
Uhhh.... fellas... I have no idea if you will believe me or not, I am willing to email you the game turn and you can see for yourself... but uh.... Aren't the caretakers and usurpers mortal enemies?
Then answer this...
WHY and how in the world am I being attacked from an CARETAKER base by USURPER needlejets? What is this, some kinda bug?
If you want the game turn, email me, and I will send the password with it (only available to members of this game). It's weird, very weird. Uh... I can't believe it either *flabbergasted*....