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Turns of ACS03 (No-Crawlers)

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  • Turns of ACS03 (No-Crawlers)

    This is the game turn thread for ACS03, the SMAC No-Crawlers Challenge Succession Game.


    This is a SMAC Solo Play game using 'standard' succession rules, except that the human-controlled faction may not design or build any type of resource supply transport unit (crawlers, trawlers, etc). Note: the game handles this restriction automatically, so neither the human faction or the AI factions will be able to build supply transport units (I think).

    Game Settings

    - University of Planet
    - Transcend Difficulty
    - Huge Random Map
    - 50%-70% Surface Water
    - Average Erosion/Cloud Cover/Native Life
    - All Victory Conditions Active
    - Directed Research
    - Unity Pod Scattering
    - Unity Survey Off
    - Random Faction Personalities (Same Agendas)

    Player Turn Order

    1. Scipio
    2. Arima
    3. johndmuller
    4. Qantaga
    5. Smack

    Game Years per Player (by Rounds)

    Round 1 ~ 20
    Round 2 & 3 ~ 15
    Rounds 4+ ~ 10

    After the first round, any player can play an extra 5 years at their discretion.
    Last edited by Scipio Centaurus; September 10, 2001, 01:38.
    Delende est Ashcrofto

  • #2
    ACS03 - Report to the Board of Regents, MY2100-2119

    2101 - University Base founded. Partial survey data from Unity indicates our HQ is located in the deep 'southern' latitudes of Chiron, on the extreme SE end of a medium sized peninsula extending from a more sizeable landmass consisting of predominately rugged terrain - including at least one major impact crater.

    Our Research Department completed their preliminary analyses of Chiron's ecosystems. Their summary report (Findings of the University Commission on Remote Studies of the Primary Ecological Subsystems of Alpha Centauri A2) is available for download to any computing device with connectivity to the University Research Network (keyphrase: Centauri Ecology).

    The Research Department has now been commissioned to focus its resources on an investigation into the psychological effects of colonial life on the human inhabitants of this planet. Members of the faculty and student body, as well as the general public, are encouraged to follow along and contribute to this vital effort. The research staff have agreed to make periodic progress reports available on URN (keyphrase: Social Psych).

    An extended duty expedition field team is dispatched to collect cartographic data for the general vicinity of University Base. A second such team is currently being trained and equipped. When the second team is dispatched, they will takeover the task of the first team and the first team will proceed immediately to the site of the impact crater. Our office is aware of the dangers of leaving University Base without a garrison, but we believe that adequate defensive resources can be assembled if needed and that the need to acquire information about our immediate environment is paramount.

    The auxiliary colonization team is dispatched in the general direction of the main part of our landmass with orders to assist the expedition field teams in mapping the peninsula and establish a second port city on the 'western' coastline of the penisula.

    2102 - Our carto team located a Unity Pod. Analysis of the pod's flight telemetry led the carto team to the location of a monolithic structure of non-human origin, NW of University Base! We are assembling a xeno-archaeological survey team to investigate this magnificent find.

    The design for the new terraforming units has been approved and the prototype units are in production.

    2103 - Our carto team has discovered a second Unity Pod! This pod contains data files that will help us to establish an industrial base when we are ready for future expansion.

    Regretably, the carto team also discovered that the point of narrowing of the peninsula (near its middle) is completely overgrown with some sort of pinkish matlike vegitation that is far too dense for unassisted removal. It looks like our terraformers already have their work cut out for them. The carto team has been instructed to make their way past this vegetation as best they can and continue their trek to the crater. This finding may render our near term colonization plans academic.

    2107 - We learn Social Psych and begin researching Biogentics.
    2109 - We found Monitoring Station.
    2112 - We learn Biogentics and begin researching Secrets of the Human Brain.
    2117 - We learn Secrets of the Human Brain and Centauri Empathy. We begin researching Planetary Networks.

    Summary for MY 2120

    We have had no contact with other Unity survivors.

    We are far behind schedule in our colonization efforts, but with the clearing of a navigable passage through the fungus, we should move quickly back on track. If we do encounter competition for the main landmass we are in position to quickly develop naval capabilites to compensate.

    We are well ahead of schedule on our research goals, due primarily to the fortuitous discovery of the data files on Industrial Base and the fast track to Secrets of the Human Brain. A variety of Secret Projects are now ready to be researched.

    Our primary weakness is our military capability. The long lost University Base garrison unit is presently in Monitoring Station with marching orders to head home.

    Dutifully submitted for your edification and amusement

    - Scipio Centaurus, Chancellor, University of Planet
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Scipio Centaurus; September 11, 2001, 00:39.
    Delende est Ashcrofto


    • #3
      Turn Summary 2120-2139

      Greeting fellow commisioners! Many of you will be surprised that no fraction submited during my reign, but unforutnately, our survey of the crater reveals an unfortuanate event.

      We have Morgan next to us. He was friendly as usual, giving us a polite call demanding money of us. I gave him 20 credits, and we signed Treaty. I established the last available base that we could, and started waiting.

      2130ish, under recomendation of the "Committe for Common Sense", University Base started Weather Paradime, in order to have an attempt of raising land. As well, the same aforemention commitee advised us in researching Doctrine: Mobility. I accepted their recomendations. The other two bases are building recycling tanks.

      This is a much harder start then before. Good luck to the other commisoners.

      -Commisioner, Report to General Assembly.

      (Excelent job on Abadaleen, Smack!)
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Good news! Our old comrade-in-arms johndmuller has agreed to ride one more time with us to the sound of the guns! I will let him know that his game turn awaits him.

        I apologize in advance if this game gets away from us too quickly. I wasn't terribly impressed with our HQ location, but I went ahead and played the first 20 years and having no contact with any other factions, I took the gamble that we might have the landmass to ourselves. The other game start I attempted was worse than this one.

        Let's go ahead and play through the first round and then decide whether and we need to start anew. Sometimes a difficult starting position can lead to a very satisfying game. I do understand that the reverse is also sometimes true. I can't begin to tell you how many SP games I have abandoned in similar situations to what we see here.

        Bottom line... the lack of crawlers should be more than enough of a challenge.

        Might be a good idea to brainstorm ideas on how to get out of this predicament.

        1. Rover Rush Morgan
        2. Mindworm Rush Morgan
        3. Mind control Morgan's bases
        4. Raise acres of colonizable land from the sea (Arima)
        5. Colonize the sea
        6. Colonize neighboring landmasses
        7. Lumberjack Survival Strategy
        8. Pop boom Univesity Base with colony pods from the other bases
        9. Start over

        - Scipio

        Please feel free to suggest other ideas.
        Last edited by Scipio Centaurus; September 10, 2001, 18:20.
        Delende est Ashcrofto


        • #5
          I'm glad to hear johndmuller will be with us again.

          As to the game, it is quite an interesting starting position, but as Scipio says that should give us a good challenge.

          Scipio's strategies are percolating around in my mind and I have an idea as to which strategy to use against our old friend Morgan, but I will hold my thoughts to see what johnd thinks after his series of turns.


          • #6
            Report of Provost HerrDoktorProfessor JohnDMuller presented to the Board of Regents
            ---- re Colonized Planet 1, Chiron, MY 2140-60

            Well, before I looked at the game I said to myself, "HerrDoktorProfessor JohnDMuller, ve are nicht going to start ze wvore mit Herr Morgan like dhoze udder twigger-happy ProvostHerrDoktors vood doo; Nicht !"

            Well, shortly into my turn, Herr Morgan sends a goon over the craterwall to shake us down again. "So sue me, HaHaHaHa!", I say; He goes on at great length and all I understood from his blah, blah, blah was "vendetta", but while the goon is talking to his lawyers instead of his soldiers, I notice that the "goon" is just as wet behind the ears as our guys are so I shoot him with our deadly Hand Weapon (90% damage, but we won!). Haven't seen him since, but dispite appearances (and his lack of appearances), the game says he's number 1 in the military category . . . go figure.

            Anyway, I played the "border game" with Morgan and pushed him back enough to let us "turn the corner" - Our land now looks more like Italy, having added a band across the top. I abandoned and recently resettled the base now known as "Antarctic Sabbatical" in order to execute the border game; I had envisioned letting Otkrietia-Discovery get abandoned also with the formation of the CP that founded Antarctic Sabbatical, but I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention and all of a sudden there were 2 people there and so it still had one left after the CP, . . . so it's still there starting off another CP; feel free to do whatever.

            We researched Herr Doktor Mobility and Herr Doktor Flexibility (at long last) - at least those 2, I might have forgotten one - and are positioned for taking the military approach, with a Command Center and a Half and Synthmetal being prototyped. We are now working on Applied Physics (ETA 7 years) so that we can build Laser Rovers and perhaps take over MorganLand with Provost HerrDoktorProfessor JohnDMuller's brand of Piece-ful Coexistence. I figure that Command Center Laser Recon Rovers, enhanced by a monolith, might be enough to roust Morgan; in the meantime, the Snythmetal Garrisons should keep him at bay if he comes calling. I don't know what, if any defense he has (he doesn't seem to have perimeter defenses), and he'll probably have pretty green troops, so we should be able to do the rover rush thing. We've got plenty of scout patrols to occupy his ex-bases too. Of course, a look see before attacking is always possible (a bit wimpy though).

            What with all the time we've lost dorking around with the border game and having stagnation at University base (due to drone stuff) you'd think we would be further behind than we seem to be. And mirable dictu, we look like we will actually get the @^%#%$% WP which has been obsessing University Base all throughout my term of office.

            It looks like we have several clear paths ahead of us.
            -Kick Morgan's Butt and/or continue standoff and settle more around the west side.
            -Do some nautical stuff
            -Welcome back University Base to the productive ranks
            -Whatever turns you on.

            Turn Posted and emailed to Qantaga.

            How come the .sav file is so large?
            Is that a result of the messing around with the .txt files?

            This document prepared by graduate students working under the supervision of:
            Provost HerrDoktorProfessor JohnDMuller
            Attached Files
            Last edited by johndmuller; September 10, 2001, 20:09.


            • #7
              Re: SAV file size discrepancy

              We're playing on a huge map - I think we were on a standard (maybe large) map in the last game. Don't know if that's causing the size problem though.

              I only had to change a couple of prerequisite tech listings to the word "disable" in the alpha.txt file. It's hard to believe such trivial changes could wreak any serious havoc with the game SAV files...

              - Scipio
              Delende est Ashcrofto


              • #8
                Hello my University friends.

                I have the turn. Unfortunately, I had a long day of work and flights and I am finally getting settled in for the night. I will take a look around at our little world tonight to get a feel for things, but it will be tomorrow afternoon before I will be able to play the turn. Sorry for the delay. I will have it posted by tomorrow night.


                • #9
                  Hello everyone. I hope this finds all your families and friends safe and well.

                  I am sorry to have delayed the game. I am stranded away from home. Thankfully, I will be able to get home tomorrow. I am looking forward to playing this turn, but I will be unable to do so until Friday. I will completely understand if you guys want to skip over me for now. So, just post if someone is going to grab this turn. If I don't hear otherwise, then I will play and post the turn Friday.



                  • #10
                    Scipio reporting in. I can wait for the next turn.
                    Delende est Ashcrofto


                    • #11
                      Hello my University friends!

                      I am sorry for the delay. It has been quite a week and it was difficult trying to get home. No complaints from me, though. It was a minor inconvenience compared to what so many have had to deal with this week.

                      On to the game:

                      We are in deep trouble.

                      Report to the Administration - University of Planet 2160-2180

                      When I chose "turn complete" to end year 2160, our neighbor Morgan moved an IMPACT Infantry unit next to one of our Scout Patrols. CEO Morgan then called on the commlink and told me that he would derive great pleasure from removing me from the face of Planet. He never even gave me a chance to speak.

                      I realized we were in danger since we did not even have Applied Physics yet. I changed the SE settings to 50/0/50 to try to generate a little cash. I switched away from Green, since I knew that was making Morgan angry. I changed production queues to get a Probe Team and a Scout Defensive.

                      Over the next several years, I tried to protect our empire as well as I could. In 2167, Morgan brought 4 Impact Infantry units next to Bushidii Dvor and 2 next to K.Observatory. YIKES!

                      I moved everyone out of B.Dvor and watched as Morgan burned it to the ground. He then contacted me and demanded D:Flexibility. I had no choice but to give it to him. He then also demanded Centauri Ecology. Again, I was in no position to resist, so I gave him that as well. Finally, he agreed to a Blood Truce.

                      In the time since, we have discovered App.Physics and started working on Non Linear Mathematics to get some Impact units of our own. We also have the Weather Paradigm. The Empath Guild and the Virtual World are available, but I could not afford to put any resource into them.

                      We have infiltrated Morgan's datalinks and we now have enough cash to subvert one of Morgan's units if necessary, but we need to be a lot stronger before we can challenge him.

                      Our empire and our people are in a very tenuous position and I regret that I left our empire in such poor shape, but my only goal was survival. Hopefully, the next time I get to occupy the Provost's seat, I will be able to repay Morgan for some of his arrogance.

                      Respectfully submitted,
                      Acting Provost Qantaga

                      Good luck!
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Report to the General Assembly: Mission Years 2180-2200

                        Greetings Comrades, fellow Regents and Governors. I, Provost Smack, will attempt to bring satisfaction to the people of the University during my tenure. It is perhaps fitting that I, one of our, shall we say 'militaristic'?, Governors has come to this office during such a time of crisis. I assure you that we may look forward to twenty years of bloodshed, rapine, and horror. However, I shall do my best to foist these upon our enemies like an ancient catapult shot of Misery and Loss, or perhaps, a cow, rather than allow their perpetuation upon our Innocent and Superior Populace. I can also assure you that these 20 years shall flow by in the space of a single Universe-Day.
                        -Strength Comrades,

                        Provost Smack
                        Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                        • #13
                          2180: Production: 2 CP's, a Transport at University Base, a probe, and a rec tanks.
                          There do appear to be 3 general options for surviving this period in our development as a nation.
                          1. Leave 'Little Italy'. Send CP's to neighboring landmasses and hope for the best.
                          2. Attempt to subdue Morgan. A daunting proposition.
                          3. Attempt to develop the Empath Guild and wait it out.

                          I've decided that we must insure our survival by sending two groups of colonists to a neighboring landmass in the east. However, I do feel that we must hold on to our original colonies because we might never catch back up if we abandon them now, because we have a handy SP (WP) in University Base, and because I believe it is possible that we may subdue Morgan eventually.

                          To these ends I've restructured our build queues to produce 2 CP's and a transport. Unfortunately this meant terminating the wise construction of a biology lab and a recycling tanks. We will probably have to go green to deal with the massive amount of defense that Morgan has erected to thwart our attacks. I am quite nervous that Morgan will break truce even before we can develop our 'insurance' plan, or construct adequate counterstroke units (mindworms or 4-1-2's). However, I will pay almost any price to get to these points as a war now would be our last, surely.

                          2181: I learn that the Gaians are about to construct the Virtual World. Though quite dissappointing, it is quite expected at this late date.
                          Rushbuild the Rec Tanks at Mendelev College.

                          2182: Transport Built at University Base. A new continent awaits us only one nautical mile to our southeast!

                          Pay a 50 credit fine to Morgan...blah!

                          Grab a floating AA near Mendelev College on the way to picking up our CP.
                          Am attempting to connect our 'Empire' by roads.

                          2185: Discover Non-Linearity, Researching Plasma Steel. I will attempt to steal all Morgan's tech when we are in a position to defend ourselves somewhat.
                          AA yields Polymorphic Software, which is good as it gives our Probes a boost. Speaking of which, I've been focusing on making probes for a major probe offensive vs. Morgan whenever he up and declares war again.

                          2186: Borehole finished in Italy. Now to start making some 4-1-2's for counterstrokes. Italy is connected by roads. Land CP and Former on Corsica. Pop pod with 150 EC's...too bad Morgan will probably ask for them. I'm going to use them to rush-build something.

                          2187: Joyous Day! Morgan has removed his 2 4-2-1's from our neighborhood, for some reason. I won't ask.

                          2188: Corsica Founded.
                          Rush-building another CP at Antarctic Sabbatical.
                          Producing: 2 4-1-2's, a MW, a CP, and a Rec Tanks.
                          Forces: 2 CP's 3 Formers, 6 Scouts, 1 Transport, 4 Probes, 1 1-2-2 scout defensive.
                          The borehole seems a bit early considering we're nowhere near restriction-lifts unless we meet some neighbors soon!

                          2189: Another CP arrives at Corsica, disbanded a Probe to help with another Transport at Antarctic Sabbatical. I see some evidence of land to our West and judging by Morgan's Base Count, he's probably not there.

                          2190: Learn that the Morganites have pronounce Vendetta on the Gaians! Great news! Celebrations break out all over our empire.
                          2nd CP on Corsica moving to neighboring island which was forested via a pod..will have to connect them with a landbridge.

                          2192: Found Academgorodok near Corsica on a tiny islet. Am shipping a second Former to the islands to help with development and land bridges. Plan to keep Italy separate from a Corsica-conglomerate in case we are overrun on Italy.
                          Learn that the western area is partially occupied by Morgan and am maneuvering a lone CP through treatcherey to find a safe colony spot.

                          2197: 3 4-1-2's and a MW are active. We are sending a probe team via our Foil Transport to check out the landmass nearer the equator. Am moving down our single AA to possibly help construct the Empath Guild at UV Base. Am having to retreat the CP on the Western branch of Morgan's Empire, but sofar we'ver renewed our truce 3 times at no cost. I think Morgan's getting his teeth kicked in by Deirdre.

                          2199: On the eve of the century Morgan Transport was aquired through emergency management. The emergency response was triggered by a renewal of Morgan's Extortionism. Having suffered enough humiliation at the hands of that money-grubbing capitalist, we let him declare war, then stole 2 techs from him (Free Mkt. and Plasma) and followed up with the annexation of Morgan Transport. Here at the heart of the Garland Crater we are surrounded on all sides by the enemy. All sides but one, our own.

                          Additionally, as it was to be the eve of our discovery of Plasma, researchers quickly modified their research toward Industrial Automation. Sadly, they have failed to develop a truly automated industry and all our plans for creating 'supply' units to ferry production factors to our bases are scrapped. However, we do percieve that our knowledge of the Automation Process will lead us to great discoveries in related fields in the near future.

                          Corsica and Academgorodok are now bridged. A CP is on it's way east around the cape in search of fertile ground, our Transport and Probe has nearly reached land in the NE, and otherwise we are in good stead. Scipio, I leave the 'Empire' to you!

                          -Provost Smack
                          Attached Files
                          Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                          • #14
                            Unfortunately, it looks like what we have here, is a combination NCC (no-crawlers challenge) and an almost OCC (one city challenge) game! I did not intend for that to happen. OCC is fun but it usually requires a carpet of crawlers scattered about the countryside.

                            Let me propose that we go ahead with this game just for fun. And if everyone is willing, I will fire up another succession game with a much better starting position than what we had in this game.
                            Delende est Ashcrofto


                            • #15
                              We're going to win this game

                              Indeed it is a *CC game of some kind, but I think we are pulling into a slow curve up over the AI already. Could be the best succession game yet!

                              Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb

