This is the game turn thread for ACS03, the SMAC No-Crawlers Challenge Succession Game.
This is a SMAC Solo Play game using 'standard' succession rules, except that the human-controlled faction may not design or build any type of resource supply transport unit (crawlers, trawlers, etc). Note: the game handles this restriction automatically, so neither the human faction or the AI factions will be able to build supply transport units (I think).
Game Settings
- University of Planet
- Transcend Difficulty
- Huge Random Map
- 50%-70% Surface Water
- Average Erosion/Cloud Cover/Native Life
- All Victory Conditions Active
- Directed Research
- Unity Pod Scattering
- Unity Survey Off
- Random Faction Personalities (Same Agendas)
Player Turn Order
1. Scipio
2. Arima
3. johndmuller
4. Qantaga
5. Smack
Game Years per Player (by Rounds)
Round 1 ~ 20
Round 2 & 3 ~ 15
Rounds 4+ ~ 10
After the first round, any player can play an extra 5 years at their discretion.
This is a SMAC Solo Play game using 'standard' succession rules, except that the human-controlled faction may not design or build any type of resource supply transport unit (crawlers, trawlers, etc). Note: the game handles this restriction automatically, so neither the human faction or the AI factions will be able to build supply transport units (I think).
Game Settings
- University of Planet
- Transcend Difficulty
- Huge Random Map
- 50%-70% Surface Water
- Average Erosion/Cloud Cover/Native Life
- All Victory Conditions Active
- Directed Research
- Unity Pod Scattering
- Unity Survey Off
- Random Faction Personalities (Same Agendas)
Player Turn Order
1. Scipio
2. Arima
3. johndmuller
4. Qantaga
5. Smack
Game Years per Player (by Rounds)
Round 1 ~ 20
Round 2 & 3 ~ 15
Rounds 4+ ~ 10
After the first round, any player can play an extra 5 years at their discretion.