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Turns of ASPK
Hi all:
Move 2226 onto "KK".
I would like to claim in accordance with established rules, to claim the elimination of Knowhow2 (Spartans) as he only has one empty base left which I will capture next turn. Thus, to prevent the "player elimination bug"-- I ask that Knowhow2 obliterate his base next turn and pass the move along.
I would like to say however that I appreciate the game Knowhow2 and hope to have the opportunity to play you again. Thanks.
The UoP reports that there has been another accident...
This time at: Core Sampling Station Base.
We are asking our citizenry to report for immediate duty in the MWDC (Mind Worm Defence Corps).
Also, if the rest of Planets' faction leaders could put some kind of effort into controling their industrial output. Recent climatological readings indicate that we may be on the threshold of an enviromental catastrophe (!).
2226 to knowhow2This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.
question about the elimination rule:
I just opened my turn and Radman was right about me having only one remaining base but I had 2 units in it and as I recall correctly the "you're dead - please take suide" only applys when leaving 1 enemy unit in base.
It probably won't make a different since I'll be out anyway but should we let Radman do it right or should we just skip this silly misstake and move along?
Let me know what you think.It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.
That's really up to you, knowhow2.
Radman has to be able to demonstrate that he can take your last base. Usually this is done by; eliminating all defenders and having a unit with sufficient movement points left to enter the base. Then a screenshot is sent to certify this. Upon consent by both parties, Radman would then replay the turn leaving you one unit in that base, which would be used to obliterate such base.This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.
Hi all:
The last Spartan city is void of units and I have rover outside which could have captured the city last turn. I sent it to each of you although KK is the only one which can confirm the above. Thus, I would like to request in accordance with established rules, to have Knowhow2 (Spartans) to eliminate the city. Thus, to prevent the "player elimination bug"-- I ask that Knowhow2 obliterate his base next turn and pass the move along. Thanks for the game and I really appreciate playing against you! See you around.
The UoP reports that there has been another industrial accident at Relativity Scool Base. We regret the incident ( mainly because mindworms are appearing at size of 'great boil' now), and have imposed stringent measures of controling toxic emissions.
Supercompooter K-HAL-2000
2227 to knowhow2This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.