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Turns of AXT033, fifth thread

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  • #16
    We Cyborgs have noted the smell and existence of wandering Drones in the countryhood - another result of bad management as the Foreman already told us. But the Foreman is unable to see that it is NOT a single administrators fault that his Nation is defunct.

    We Cyborgs do know that this is not the last offence that the Drones will put on the peaceful Cyborg Nation. Within a short time the Drones will try to wipe out Culture with their single minded want for destruction.

    Isis and Osiris will face Seth once again but in another shape...
    Last edited by Horus; August 28, 2001, 13:53.
    The story of your life is not your life it is your story.


    • #17
      2260 to Horus.

      One Drone intruder has been destroyed to set an example for future intrusions. Any future intruders will be destroyed.


      • #18
        Turn 2261 to CEO Paul.

        I have previously warned CEO Paul about the lessons he dishes out. After countless casualities on both sides I can announce that the war has been won against the aggression of the Paulites. After explaining the malfuncation at DSC CEO Paul attacked and destroyed a unit of mine. I personally informed the families of the men slain. CEO Paul also threatened to exterminate other brave men under the Drone banner. This was unacceptable and the Drones matched bravely the vendetta that CEO Paul initiated to such an extent that the Paulites have one unarmed base left, with Drone forces massing on its outskirts. I leave it to CEO Paul to do his honourable duty.

        The Drones are a peace loving race but when attacked will fight to the very last drop of blood (usually of their foes.) Let the tale of this battle be told for a thousand years of how the Drone forces won honour on the battlefield all in one year. I salute you, CEO Paul. I salute you, the Drones.

        Foreman SITS

        Sorry for the reloads. The first few were because it kept crashing when my aircraft was intercepted. I remembered reading a thread about this and I found it and sorted it out (by alt-ctrl-del everything). I gained no advantage over this although on one of the reloads eco-damage occured but not on the next. The last reload was when Paul had only one base left. I wasn't sure if it was do or die so I saved it, loaded it and played and found the game 'ended'. I then reloaded it and just parked a unit outside his base.
        'No room for human error, and really it's thousands of times safer than letting drivers do it. But the one in ten million has come up once again, and the the cause of the accident is sits, something in the silicon.' - The Gold Coast - Kim Stanley Robinson

        'Feels just like I can take a thousand miles in my stride hey yey' - Oh, Baby - Rhianna


        • #19
          2261 to Horus. Well, it was expected that this would happen sooner or later, although I never thought it would happen in just one turn. At least you did the job yourself this time instead of letting your Hive lackeys do the job for you.

          Congratulations on your victory. I severely doubt that PF Horus will be able to do anything against you.

          I will attempt to destroy that last base next turn, when I have built a unit that can do the job.


          • #20
            I have sent the turn to SITS.

            Well there is no great point in pushing on to 2262, congratulations to the Victory SITS. If you want to we can play out another turn or so, but not for my sake

            As Paul said, it was expected - many turns ago.

            We discussed another game some days ago. Are you all - with Tau Ceti - still interested?
            The story of your life is not your life it is your story.


            • #21

              Thanks for the great game! I must admit I was really worried about taking over from Mark especially as he remarked on one of the first games he played was when he took over from someone else in a dominate position and lost within 15 turns! Gulp!

              Playing Mark's faction really brought my game on and allowed me to see how things are done in the big boys world! Cheers all!

              I've sent the turn on to Paul to confirm that Horus has two bases left - the sea ones. (I did turn complete after I got that far - if we are going to play on then I would like to do my turn again but looking at your comments it looks like we won't!)

              I'm still on for a new game. I suggest we tailor it with loads of extra units to ensure a fast start - maybe 10-15 weighted for the factions involved.

              Again thank you!
              'No room for human error, and really it's thousands of times safer than letting drivers do it. But the one in ten million has come up once again, and the the cause of the accident is sits, something in the silicon.' - The Gold Coast - Kim Stanley Robinson

              'Feels just like I can take a thousand miles in my stride hey yey' - Oh, Baby - Rhianna


              • #22
                Ex-Foreman Mark13, now an old man, sat back in his retirement home, listening to the telecast of the latest Drone victory. The middle of the 23rd century had certainly been a happy time for the ex-Foreman, who had been allowed to retire in luxury, thanks to the vastness of his successor's energy park. Not only was he a happy man, we swelled with pride at the news of the imminent Drone domination of Chiron.

                The Drones, as a whole, were a happy people. The new, socialist structure to their colonies had allowed a more laid-back atmosphere, something Mark's Free Markets of the late 22nd century did not encourage. The world had known for some time of the vast military presence of the Drones - it had seemed imminent for a while that they would overrun the more aggressive Cyborgs and Paulites. The demise of the Hobbits several decades since had illustrated this military dominance, and it was growing at something of an exponential rate.

                "Reporting, Foreman!" as the illustrious Foreman SITS entered the Cloudbase Academy. The CBA, a relic of the distant Markite era, was a testament to the dedication of many Drone pilots - the best in all the world. As he addressed the troops, an aura of calm had descended on the main foyer, in direct contrast to the increasing tension of the past 20 years on Planet.

                He did not speak. Instead, he saluted the troops. He saluted the controllers, the engineers, the workers, the farmers - the very walls he stood in. He knew that Drone domination of Planet was their destiny, and he should be the man to fulfill it. He knew that the thousands upon thousands of people that stood before him knew it was their destiny to be the loyal subjects of such an enlightened leader. And it made him proud.

                And as ex-Foreman Mark looked on, he knew it was their destiny. But boy, did it make him proud.

                Congratulations SITS!
                We're back!


                • #23
                  Yes the old Foreman did really pave the road for the Drone victory. I remember the good old days when I agitated for a nuke on the CBA - we were all too weak to go that way then (both political and military)
                  The story of your life is not your life it is your story.


                  • #24
                    Ah well, the inevitable has happened. It was certainly an interesting game. I'd be interested in another one if one is on the cards. Congrats to Mark13 for laying the foundations & to SITS for bringing it home.

                    If you want to kiss the sky/Better learn how to kneel/On your knees boy - U2, Mysterious Ways


