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Starting new PBEM SMACX GAME 7p

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  • Starting new PBEM SMACX GAME 7p

    Looking for 6 more Players for SMACX game. Using any of the 14 factions are fine, excluding the aliens.
    Factions assigned to players as requested.

    Here are the settings for the game:

    Tiny Planet
    50-70% ocean
    weak erosion
    abundant life: (A planet with 50% ocean and no life? yeah sure.)
    average clouds
    Spoils of war
    No BLind reasearch.
    no random events (this one just pisses me off)
    no unity scattering (can turn tide of game to easy)
    flexible start locations (this is strategy too)

    As soon as we have 7 playes we can start.
    I have seen the truth, and it makes no sense.

  • #2
    I'll join

    Count me in for Gaians. Use to contact me. Remove the capital letters from the email address first.
    I no longer use this account.


    • #3
      Ill play the peacekeepers
      I have seen the truth, and it makes no sense.


      • #4
        Don't want to butt in where I'm not invited (but I will anyway - that's the priveleges of being an old fart)

        You'll find a tiny planet with 7 human players incredibly frustrating. You'll meet each other within ten - fifteen turns, - well maybe not with 50% to 70% water (anyone who plays the Pirates will hold a huge advantage). Also, techs will come so fast you'll never be able to build anything before it becoming obsolete.

        Just my words of experience



        • #5
          Pardon me for asking what is probably a dumb question, but why would techs come faster on a tiny planet?
          "I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC


          • #6
            I have seen it said that "A huge map multiplies research cost by 1.6". Which in a way makes sense. On a huge map one has many squares in which to generate energy. Energy dictates speed of research. If the same formula was used for both large and tiny maps, it could potential take an very long time to gain a tech thru research that requires high energy points since there are only small number of squares on a tiny map to generate energy. Likewise, techs could come too quickly on a huge map since there are many more squares in which to generate energy. As for custom maps I have no idea of the formula is revised or not.
            I have seen the truth, and it makes no sense.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Googlie
              You'll find a tiny planet with 7 human players incredibly frustrating. You'll meet each other within ten - fifteen turns...
              Is that frustrating? ...or fun. Sure a player or two may lose out right away. But hell, PBEM games take long enough the way it is.
              I have seen the truth, and it makes no sense.


              • #8
                Well, I guess I asked for it in making my original comment:

                1)Planet size re tech rsearch - multipliers:

                Tiny Planet: 0.6
                Small Planet: 0.8
                Standard: 1.0
                Large: 1.1
                Huge: 1.6

                And sure, on a huge planet there are more unused tiles to convert with solars and echelons to produce energy in abundance - but that's usually after 2250 or so, and most PBEMs don't last that long.

                In the meantime, a base is still just utilizing its 20 tiles (excluding the homebase tile) whether on a tiny map or a huge one (until the advent of IA, which will come 20 years earlier under a tiny planet compared to a large or 40 if huge)

                Unless in easy single-play mode you'll never hope to replicate the tiny planet's rate of research with anything larger - in multiplayer you'll never have the luxury of developing that energy park.

                2) - early butt-kicking

                Don't know about you guys, but I would sure hate to invest a month's PBEM time only to get ousted after 20 turns by a Spartan missile synthmetal rover rush - and unless you've scenario built it, when one goes the game crashes (unless the defeated player wants to continue for 100 turns as a slave - or gives his password to the conqueror - not much fun either way.)

                Having said that (and my original premise was that nobody asked my opinion anyway) - I'll volunteer to CMN your game and build you a starting, balanced, tiny planet scenario when you have the players lined up so that you won't have a player disappearing after 20 turns

                'Nuff said

                Googlie (poking his nose in others' business)
                Last edited by Googlie; August 13, 2001, 17:15.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Googlie
                  unless you've scenario built it, when one goes the game crashes (unless the defeated player wants to continue for 100 turns as a slave - or gives his password to the conqueror - not much fun either way.)
                  Or you can revert to the previous turn and let the eliminated player obliterate his last base(s).
                  "I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC

