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3 Players Wanted (transcend level)

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  • 3 Players Wanted (transcend level)

    I need 3 volunteers to test drive a concept.

    Democracy is in peril, with Morgan, Domai and Lal (the three players) attempting to avoid domination by a Hive-led Axis comprising Yang, Santiago, Zakharov and Aki Zeta-Five. The latter three alll have been mind-controlled by Yang's lieutenant, Ashaandi, and are in submissive pacts with the Hive.

    Needless to say, they share tech and battleplan co-ordinates from the start, but you can't talk to each other until formal contact has been made in the game.

    Any takers for Democracy in Peril?


  • #2
    I'd be up for either Morgan or Lal.

    Please feel free to provide other details (like map size, world parameters, fallout shelter locations, etc.).


    • #3
      Hi there, I'm interested in playing, I'm not a Zak or a Morgan man myself, Lal suits me a lot better. But I'm willing to try something new if Lal is taken


      • #4
        I'll give it a go. Any faction is fine.

        "I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC


        • #5
          OK - Game on !!

          Turn order is:

          Morgan - johndmuller
          Lal - Tai Mai Shu
          Domai - Darius

          The Axis powers are:


          Map is large, with 30% to 50% water, weak erosion and average native life.

          All winning conditions are on, look first, eliminated players not restarted. No Unity Survey and No Random events. Everything else unchecked (so no spoils of war).

          Unity pods don't produce techs (you have to research or trade (or steal) for everything.

          Everyone has some exploitable goodies near their start positions (the AI has a couple of forest tiles by theirs, to wean them off farms) and each faction is close to a feature.

          Apart from that, everything else is normal. Stockpiling energy and crawlers upgrades allowed, as well as retro-engineering except for using the probe chassis before doc mobility is discovered.

          That's about it.



          • #6
            Tai Mai Shu:

            Can you send me your e-mail ady to:





            • #7
              My email address is and can we coordinate our plans in this thread or do we have to wait up and meet in game before we start?


              • #8
                It's up to you - I did place the three of you on adjacent island continents with the Axis around the perimeter, so early contact will happen naturally (well, as soon as someone gets flex, anyway)

                In my test run, evcen although I was playing all three human factions I didn't find co-ordinating research very easy at all, but I did wait until contact before exchanging techs. Thus I had a lot of duplicate research paths happening, and drone riots at one when the other two factions both had soc psych.

                So I'd say no communication until it happens in the game.

                Oh, and as befits the Lord and Master of the great empath, Ashaandi, I started the Hive with the Empath Guild



                • #9
                  Hmmm..... evil. Okay, sounds like it's going to be interesting, did the computer manage to win btw? 3 vs 4 is a whole lot different from 2 vs 5 in your other scenario


                  • #10
                    Without giving the AI's tactics away, I lost a lot of units trying to win back subverted bases. Saving grace was popping an Ogre Mk II which really cowed the populace (taking some damage, though) in 2 revolted bases.

                    (Maybe I was just pathetic as a player - my Morgan did OK, but my Lal and Domai stank the joint out)

                    The problem was I assumed (I had built the map, after all) that contact would be made fairly quickly, but of course didn't research doc flex until it dawned on me that I wouldn't get off the islands without it. So the Drones went forever without rec commons, with huge drone problems.

                    Interesting quirk when I added the EG to Yang - he called elections in 2101, and although the candidates are Yang, Aki and (IIRC) Santiago, all voted for Yang, as their slavemaster.

                    As I had set up my trial run as a PBEM (playing all 3 factions) I couldn't open the scenario editor to see how the AI was doing, but by 2175 they all 4 vastly outnumbered my 3 in population. I'll play a few turns open ended to see how the AI copes.




                    • #11
                      The point of early - or delayed - contact is moot, as Yang has the Empath Guild and called the election, so anyone can contact anyone else now in the game.


                      • #12
                        MY 2102 to Tai Mai Shu - Peacekeepers

                        Darius, I'm having temporary (I hope) problems with receiving e-mail (long delays, occasional bounces and who know what else) at my regular address. If you would be so kind as to use an alternate address as well for a little while (until things get better) I would appreciate it. My addresses are:
               (main address)
               (temporary additional address).

                        Also, Darius, please post or send me your email address if you don't mind (and if it isn't already hiding in plain sight somewhere in the thread) as I might need to reach you if there are technical difficulties, etc.

                        Last edited by johndmuller; August 4, 2001, 12:36.


                        • #13
                          Oh, Sorry.

                          My main address is

                          You may see emails coming from me using my second address as I use that one at work to access my home email. However, I prefer people to send to my main address above.

                          I'll try to remember to use both of your addresses, John, until you say otherwise.

                          "I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC


                          • #14
                            So, do you two want to do specific tech tree paths right now and wait till we hit our goals to techshare or should we all try to grab Ind Auto asap?


                            • #15
                              I take it that, due to the unique nature of this game, we will be cooperating? If so, then I suggest we set up Pacts right away, and coordinate/share our research in the most efficient manner. Comments?

                              Hey, Googlie, the factions are messed up. The Hive displays the color and icon of the University, the University looks like the Believers, Morgan looks like the Consciousness, the Spartans look like the Drones, the Peacekeepers look like the Caretakers, and the Consciousness looks like the Usurpers. (Sorry, I forgot to write down what my own Drones look like.) This is very confusing, as I am used to identifying factions by color. Is there a reason for the switcheroo?

                              By the way, I will not be posting here routinely after every turn since I have a slow dialup connection with limited hours per month and Apolyton is slow to load. But rest assured, I always play my turns on the day received, or the next day if late at night.

                              Turn 2103 to John.
                              "I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC

