2125...to Smack.
No announcement yet.
Rules are quite simple...more players-more delays. 7FFA shall fall apart before we finish off our 1st decade and as a matter of a fact I am getting quite sick of it.
I've been in several SMAC PBEM games and this one is definitelly longest and fastest I've ever play. Quite enjoyable I might add,mindworms aside.
SFMy life, my rules
Um... The Murphy's Second Law... If you brag about something going fine, it'll go immediately wrong... Now it should be the right one Vytae.
This is quite easy-going for my second PBEM game ever. The first one, well, haven't heard of him for a month now, and the third one seems to be going slooooow as he11.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
I vaguely wondered as I paddled down the Potomac: "Hrm, wonder if I'm missing a PBEM turn?" Apparently not! Just got back from a three day paddle + hiking trip which kicked out the last of the flu I had, and no turn! Well, I thought I was being facetious when I said we'd turn the century at the new year, but it does look like it. By the way, 'Lady Smack' now has two whole colonies! I can't wait till I have more than 2 units to move per turn...hrm...maybe in October?
-SmackVisit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb
Either you are joking or you really aren't doing so fine. I only problem for now is that I'm out of expansion room until I either discover Doctr. Flex. or decide to kick the a** of my neighbouring AI, which has already sheepishly donated me three techs.Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Heh,still the wrong file Kasseiopa of the Hive =o unless your trying to get me to play hive's turn?
Im doing ****ty so far,got a square smack dab in the middle of a bunch of arid squares and no free colony pod. i dont even have my 2nd colonie yet for a few turns =o
Vytae, I'm with ya.
Like I've been whining since the beginning, starting with only one colony pod is **S!
Vytae, do I sense a pact between us as soon as we find each other? I think the Hive's turn is just so big that it spilled over into your turn.
(Cowering from the other human players)
-"Lady" SmackVisit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb
But the Hive was too strong for them invidually; thus was the Pact forged.
It must suck having a non-expansionist faction like Morgan or Gaians with only one colony pod
I'll say though that the scout patrols of Zakharov seem strong, and those fungal masses near Monsoon Jungle -
Oh I would of liked to see your face reading that! Just kidding, but there are some moist squares here. Not bad, not at all. I'll get some forest and farms up and running, and...
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
The Gecko Peace Chanty
'O the year it was One Twenty Six.
Hey ho' the planet O' !
And the nations did ah find a fix
Hey ho' the planet O' !
For when e'er a move was made by one
Time did stop and peace was won.
Now peace wasn't what they all had learned
Indeed it was war that all had yearned
But when time did stop
There was a great still
And the guns were silent
Upon the hill
And when time did stop
There wasn't a sound
but the fungal pop
and the rusting of steel
So ye who would war
And gain yet more field
Please enclose the turn
and heed this appeal!
Smartfart, as much as I enjoy the email, attach the turn so we can leave the Bermuda Triangle known as Year 2126!
-SmackVisit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb