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AC Succession game in parallel

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  • #46
    Hi Peeps!!! I'm BAAAACK!!!!! (miss me? )

    Joke aside, I was moving house and couldn't access internet for days. Here's SITS turn uploaded to the thread so anyone who isinterested how the game is going can download it to check it out.

    PS. I wrote up my turn-by-turn report on paper and lost it in the "moving boxes"! Darn!
    Attached Files
    ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
    ... Pain is an illusion...


    • #47
      oh great now message for SITS or whoever gets a chance to do this, change the name of dreams of green to creams of greed at first opportunity.


      • #48
        Turn attached and also sent on to Smack.

        Not much to report but find it below!

        2231 - The base named after Yang (you'll know the one!) wants to produce a colony pod, yet will remain a size one base for the next 17 turns so I change production to a former. I like the idea of a IoD loaded with a colony pod, supply crawler and a Mindworm. Just disembarked and will start a new colony next turn. Built Chirpn Perserve. I destroy a Hive unit after he offered to save me if I give him 500+ EC. I said no thank you.
        2232 - Built Thorny Vineyard. Miriam calls the planetary council and we are retained as the Gov.
        2233 - Nothing much
        2234 - Nothing much except we've built a lot of colony pods and they are on their way to various places...
        2235 - Build MCC and we are now researching Doc:Air. Not much to else to report. We have some artifacts on their way and there is a good site for a colony but we need to have a former on it first as it has to clear away fungus and rocky. It is doing now and the pod is waiting - I think it is worth it.
        Attached Files
        'No room for human error, and really it's thousands of times safer than letting drivers do it. But the one in ten million has come up once again, and the the cause of the accident is sits, something in the silicon.' - The Gold Coast - Kim Stanley Robinson

        'Feels just like I can take a thousand miles in my stride hey yey' - Oh, Baby - Rhianna


        • #49
          NOOOOOOOOOO!!! I forgot to post this!

          The "Yang Can Kiss My A@@" base was MEANT to be disbanded so we can move a colony pod up to the coast and have a base pumping up our navy!

          D'uh! I forgot to say that! Oh well, just try another strategy, I suppose...

          ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
          ... Pain is an illusion...


          • #50
            Cybergod, great minds think alike! I'm halfway through my turn and wanted to ask a question...have you all noticed odd units appearing here and there at your new bases? By the way, we're on to the 'Alpha Sector' list of bases...I'm getting ready to give a few to Morgan.


            2240 sent to TKG.

            Turn Reports:

            Well, in a nutshell, a Spartan 4-2-1 magically appeared at the mesa. Probed it and used it as a garrison for the new base there.

            Captured more worms and IOD, but one IOD lost b/c no mineral support the next turn!

            Generally getting nervous about our lack of an eastern navy or military. Took steps to build 3 more eastern coastal bases...they are due to produce probe foils the next turn.

            Miriam developed airpower, gave it to Yang and Santi.

            Got a probefoil in position to steal airpower from yang. Note, tuned the economy to 60/20/20 so that we don't develop airpower next turn...would rather steal it.

            Golden Ages everywhere. We have 40 bases? something like that. Time to beef up Zak and Morgan, really. We could use the commerce income.

            Yang lands some troops on the east coast (again! ). I've got them surrounded. Been rushing formers and crawlers as I tend to like these more than the rest of you? Our terraforming is truly 'Ugliforming'. what a mess. Trying to expand the continent a bit where we don't have sea-forming in the way to make a few crawler parks as our interior is getting pretty large

            Started Datalinks at Gaia's Landing. 7 turns to build!

            Watch out for Zak, he just stole an AA from Morgan I believe, in the NW corner...might take a tech soon.

            Have a skunkworks (got that tech from Lal in 2235) being built to proto our airforce, but also am proto'ing an 8-1-2 near Zak, in case get gets up to some monkey business.

            Turns are nice and longish, and I like the 5-year cycle. That's the news!

            Last edited by Avenoct; July 31, 2001, 18:16.
            Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


            • #51
              Just wondering about the status of the game. Looking on the board it seems that the ball is with TKG. Do we know if he got the game?
              'No room for human error, and really it's thousands of times safer than letting drivers do it. But the one in ten million has come up once again, and the the cause of the accident is sits, something in the silicon.' - The Gold Coast - Kim Stanley Robinson

              'Feels just like I can take a thousand miles in my stride hey yey' - Oh, Baby - Rhianna


              • #52
                sorry guys. my fault. i got it a while ago just havn't played yet. i have been sort of busy lately. hey, isn't this what happened last time it was my turn?


                • #53

                  If you need to be skipped, please say so.
                  Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                  • #54
                    finally got a chance to play

                    2241-got the skunkworks you were talking about smack, and probed D:AP from yang. switched to 40/20/40

                    Originally posted by TKG
                    2229-FUSION POWER!research-organic superlube
                    2242-fusion power for the second time. research organic superlube got silksteel from an AA


                    2244-Planet Data in gaias landing morgan gives into a threat. morgan transport is ours.

                    2245- nothing.

                    morgan is sending in a sh*t load of gatling rovers to kill zak. should we interfere? and that chaos rover in the south near factory drift is amphibious. use it to attack factory drift.

                    one more thing. does sombody want to explain why we discovered fusion power twice?


                    • #55
                      I'm guessing that the wrong savegame file was forwarded at some point. It's really no matter since we just keep spiraling upward.

                      Anyone interested in a round 2? I'm thinking of playing through all the factions eventually, but juggling up the players if any want to stay or join. When we were taking a turn a day, it was going pretty fast...much more enjoyable than an MP game in that regard. Ah well, if you are interested, keep your eyes peeled on the MP threads..I'll post the next game there.

                      Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                      • #56
                        just posting the file.

                        i forgot it last time
                        Attached Files


                        • #57
                          I've been reading this with great interest. But what I prolly don't understand is: why didn't each of you start with a different faction, trading off at the same mark as now? That way each would get a file, play the turn as, say, the Gaians; then on to Yang, etc.

                          Is there some bar to this? It would mean that a "turn" wouldn't be over 'til each had played his 20 yrs or whatever the interval is.



                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Xerxes2
                            I've been reading this with great interest. But what I prolly don't understand is: why didn't each of you start with a different faction, trading off at the same mark as now? That way each would get a file, play the turn as, say, the Gaians; then on to Yang, etc.

                            Is there some bar to this? It would mean that a "turn" wouldn't be over 'til each had played his 20 yrs or whatever the interval is.

                            We each play the same faction for a certain number of turns and then pass it on to the next player, leaving him with our own strategy to work on . We should discuss here about what happens and what strategies should be implemented. I thought that Smack put this simple enouth...

                            Is there some bar to this? Me no understand your concept. You probably mean what I have just explained above. The intervals seem to change whenever Smack feels like it .

                            BTW, I forgot to play my turn, got too involved with the Aldebarain mod...

                            PS. ... and I'm going to Greece tommorrow evening! I'll have enough time to post the game by then for sure!
                            ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
                            ... Pain is an illusion...


                            • #59
                              Xerxes, I think I understand what you mean.

                              And next time, that would be a good idea. Take 5 players...each starts a different faction and passes the savegame to the next player. So 5 games are going at once, and you are recieving your turns pretty quickly. I've had that idea too, but the only problem is that people seem to take widely varying lengths of time responding. The slowest person would have a stack of 5 savegames (from each of the different ones) in their inbox, then they would probably play through all 5 and send them on in bulk. This would only work if there was a regulary limit, like play a turn a day, or be skipped.

                    , it's not just when I felt like it! The turn interval is set out in the beginning of the thread. 20 years / 10 / 5 /5 /5 /5 This is because each turn gets longer and longer in the midgame. I do think 5 years is too short though. 10 years makes the most sense.

                              Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                              • #60
                                I am scrambling to send this turn as I am going to go to Gatwick in couple of hours and then it's "Corfu, here I come!"

                                I have no time to post the turn report so hereis the brief summary:

                                Morgan is making advances against Zak and even taken one of his bases! Took over Facory Drift with the Amphibious Rover! Earthquake near Delta Secotr! Started Neural Amplifier near Creams of Greed!

                                There, Bon Vojage!

                                Cybergod Nikola
                                Attached Files
                                ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
                                ... Pain is an illusion...

