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Need Rookies and a Moderator for a SMAC game to soon Start

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  • #16

    I think i can't make it for the moderator should take it..tommorrow i'll surely be here!
    "Too much ambition is a sin...only if you fail"
    Yoritomo Kumiko


    • #17
      Forum Server having a bad day?

      Is it just my connection or is the forum having a rough day? Well, looks like we're going to put off starting yet again. I've heard back from our moderator, so whenever we the players can get our faction choices and whatnot put together, we'll get started. By the way, be sure to email me with the email address you want to use for the game:

      Last edited by Avenoct; July 7, 2001, 08:57.
      Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


      • #18

        Forgot to post! =o

        I can start at 1700 GMT but when is it again? i forgot my time zones =o I will be Morgans (sorry smartfart) and those guidelines are fine for me.


        • #19
          Hello Smack!!

          I want to play with you! Is it possible? I'm also sending you an e-mail


          • #20
            OK. I´ll be online on a daily basis, sometime about 22:00 GMT. Smack, I can take:

            First: Yang
            Second: Lal
            Third: Deirdre.

            So, when SF sends me the game, I play my turn (I got good advice from Tau Ceti) and then send the game to you, via e-mail. Hopefully we can find a proper rhythm.
            Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


            • #21
              I really don't care what faction I play. Peacekeepers are fine. So is Hive. And Gaians. Even Santiago is cool.

              I only hate Believers.

              What about gray areas? We should discuss what is allowed and what's not before start.

              I think we should ban those features:

              - multiplied airdrops using right-click
              - communication between faction before 1st meeting
              - upgrading units should be allowed on the end of the turn only
              - using withdrawal button
              - probed faction must declare vendetta,if pacted then must cancel pact

              Any suggestions?

              My e-mail is


              My life, my rules


              • #22
                Ah good! I'm glad to see everyone replied. I'll be emailing our moderator, Hobbes with our final pre-game conditions in just a minute. Hobbes will set up the map and email out the first turn to Icewind, and Icewind to Vytae, etc.. I expect we'll be able to get going very soon indeed! As to the factions and turn order here's how it looks:

                Icewind: Zakharov
                Vytae: Morgan
                Smartfart: Lal
                Kassiopeia: Yang
                Smack: Deirdre

                Smartfarts 'Gray areas' mentioned above are mostly the same as those referred to in Tau Ceti's PBEM tourny rules, and I think we should adopt all of them. Until we all agree otherwise, they are the rules of the game.

                Kassiopeia, thanks for indicating when you will probably take your turn. If everyone has a regular time like Kass (2200 GMT) or Icewind (1700 GMT) it will probably make things go smoothly. I for one don't have a regular time but will fit into just about any schedule. By the way GMT (Grenwich Mean Time) is EST + 6 hours so Kass is saying 4pm EST.

                Spharion, sorry, I'm going to have to say no this time. PBEM is going to go very slowly no matter how we try to finnegle it and 5 seems like the upper limit to me. On the other hand I'd be glad to start a two player game with you anytime! In fact, anyone that wants to play a 'quick game' in addition to this one, drop me a line. I've lots of time right now and would love to play.

                Final note: Still need Vytae's, Kassiopeia's and Icewind's email addresses!

                Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                • #23
                  my mail is:
                  "Too much ambition is a sin...only if you fail"
                  Yoritomo Kumiko


                  • #24


                    PS. Thank the Great Maker, Yang is not an AI !!!

                    What on Planet is "multiple airdrops with right-click"?
                    Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                    • #25
                      Units equipped with drop pods may execute multiple airdrops using right mouse button in same turn.
                      We should agree to not to use this bug.
                      My life, my rules


                      • #26
                        Ah........goody goody goody...

                        We're all set!!!!

                        I've emailed Hobbes our collective Faction-email-player info and he should get things underway anytime now


                        Oh, I forgot that factions take their turn in the same order every game so looks like I'm first as Deirdre. Keep your eyes peeled for the game start. Whoo hoo!
                        Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                        • #27

                          You have my email in the first email i sent ya =o by here it is anyhow



                          • #28
                            Just a bump post to let everyone know that the game is still ON, but just waiting for Hobbes to send out the first turn. If nothing happens by 1800 EST I'll just set it up myself. Being Deirdre and hence having the first turn makes this much easier.

                            Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb


                            • #29
                              RED ALERT

                              RED ALERT!
                              In what order do the factions begin in the game?
                              Gaians are first, then who? Is Yang last? Cripes!
                              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                              • #30
                                Kassiopeia, We're getting there! Hobbes just emailed me to say he's just about got our game set up. As to the faction order, I just remember that Deirdre is first. I'll play my turn as soon as I get it and we can all be underway.

                                Visit Aldebaran:Aldebaranweb

