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Turns of AXT-042, third thread

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  • Turn 2205 done-2206 to the Cult

    A diplomatic message was sent to the leaders of the factions of Planet

    Honored Leaders

    I feel it is my duty to raise the issue of an airspace convention. The Gaians are in control of at least one locust and saw fit to fly it through the Drone heartland blockading at one point our legitmate harvest of resources in a base radii.. Since our heartland is not on the direct route to anywhere, we view this action as troubling. Any look at a map will reveal that the Locust had no need to be in the area and in fact there are no Gaian territory for over 20 tiles.

    We therefore propose a general rule that no one shall overfly the territory of another without their permission. Factions are free to make any arrangement they choose to permit overflights. If a faction chooses to shoot down an encroaching plane, there would be no censure from any signatory to this convention.

    It is unfortunate that this convention may be needed. But sources have indicated that wars are likely and I believe it is in all our best interest to establish that any faction has the right to defend the sovereignty of their lands.

    I look forward to your responses and hope that we may quickly come to a convention that is acceptable to all.

    Foreman cbn


    News release

    Convicted murderer and terrorist Robert Harkness was executed today. His execution, by a single laser shot through the head, was performed before only 3 members of the Free Drone justice commission. This execution has been roundly condemned by right wing elements claiming that it only shows that the foreman is soft on crime. While the statute clearly contemplates lengthy periods in the punishment sphere before execution, records indicate that no death row inmate has been sentenced to torture in over 32 years.



    Reports indicate that the Free Drones have ben overtaken by the Gaians in both population and the overall ranking of a factions "power". Government officials countered by pointing out that such statsitics are meaningless and that the Free Drones remain as a strong an powerful nation. Analysts are noting the decline of the Free Drones and the rising power of the Gaians, citing the locust incident. They believe that the flying of the locust across Drone lands highlights the Drones ability to be effective militarily



    To: All commanders
    From: Joint Chiefs

    The recent intrusion into our airspace has caused great concern. You are hereby directed to increase the readiness of all troops so that we may make similar demonstrations of our abilities. You are further ordered to increase the sensor net in and around our lands . We anticipate that through your efforts we shall have troops with the best morale on all of Planet.

    Last edited by cbn; July 18, 2001, 11:53.


    • Hey everyone.

      Randy emailed me from his wife's email account to indicate he's having terminal isp problems at home. He may be out of commission for a little while. He's working on the issue and will switch providers if his doesn't clear up the problems pretty darn quick. Look for him to be back soon.

      There will, however, be some delay in the game as a result.

      Just passing on the news...


      As for fly-overs, I have to get used to the idea of anyone actually flying first before I can respond to the policy request...


      Morgan Industries (AP) - Morgan Biolabs today announced the founding of a new subsidiary, Locust Airways. Negotiations are underway with the Gaians to provide locusts that could be converted to accomodate passenger travel.

      "We're still in the exploratory stages," said a spokesman for the company, " but the possibilities are amazing!" The spokesman offered no comment on the possibility of routine locust flights between Planet's major capitals by Mission Year 2220.


      • Thanks for the update, Walt. I was wondering why I couldn't get my daily SMAC fix from Randy.

        Just to let you guys know in advance, in about two weeks or so, I'll be away from my home computer for days at a time due to work. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to install SMAC/X on my work-issued laptop. Then I can download and upload turns from a computer at work and perform my turns on the laptop. Otherwise, I'll probably only be able to play one or two turns per weekend and none during the weekdays.

        I'll know for sure next week. I'd hate to give up my game to someone else at this point.

        Transcript of Vid-Comm Conversation
        From: Lady Deirdre Skye, Gaia's Landing
        To: Locust Trainer Sharon, somewhere off the coast of the Free Drone mainland

        (Sharon face is showing through the vid-screen, and it appears that she is flying. Many Locust tails are coiled around Sharon's arms and legs in an effort to keep her short body suspended in mid-air.)

        S: Reporting in, Lady Deirdre, just like you asked me to.
        D: Uh, Sharon, do you realize what you just did?
        S: No, what?
        D: You flew over the Free Drone mainland with the Locusts under your command.
        S: Oh, that. I've never flown before, and I thought I'd do a little sightseeing. Wow, you should see the Drone bases and factories from a thousand meters up in the air!
        D: Don't you realize what consequences your actions are bringing even at this moment? Foreman CBN just contacted the Druid and me about the intrusion into their airspace. CBN was upset, to put it lightly. His citizens were alarmed at the sight of your locusts. Furthermore, the Drone armies were put on high alert because the commanders thought they were being invaded, and with good reason. All this just because you wanted to do a little "sightseeing"?!?
        S: I'm ... sorry, my Lady. I ... er ... wasn't thinking. I guess I just got carried away. I mean, I've never flown before. And I remember back in elementary school when I read the books about Old Earth flying machines. You know, the kind that we don't have here on Planet? I would often dream about how wonderful it must have been to be in one of those machines. And now I'm actually flying, and my dreams are coming true! All the people down there look so small, it just like looking at living dolls walking back and forth between their little dollhouses, it was just so amazing, so cute, so --
        D: OK, OK, that's enough. So it's your first time flying. I can understand that. But in the future, don't fly over the Drone mainland ever again. And don't fly through any other nation's airspace, either, except those of our pactmates. This is perhaps our only chance to study the Locusts up close, and I'd hate to see you and the Locusts shot down just because you want to do a little joyriding. You're lucky the Drones aren't prone to shooting first and asking questions later. I guarantee you that other factions WILL. Do you understand?
        S: Yes, Lady Deirdre, I understand.
        D: Good. ... Consider yourself reprimanded. Lady Deirdre out.


        • Allen

          It appears that we might both have some temporary delays in playing at around the same time. I am moving in mid-August ( only crossing 9/10 of the width of North America LOL). I am going on a house-hunting trip to Calgary and doubt I will be able to play at all for about 5 days, July 25-29 inclusive. I also expect a 2-3 day period where I will be unable to play when getting set up around the 20th of August (need a new ISP for one thing-- no more slow phone connection--Yahoo!!).

          Given the stage of the game, and the fact that our delays will be overlapping, I do not want to get a replacement and don't expect you to either. All 4 of us have been real reliable and both your situation and mine are a short-term inconvenience. To me its no different than Walts move earlier this year or Randy's current ISP problems. Real life intrudes sometimes and as long as the time period is reasonable, my vote is to play on when you can.

          Randy. . . . walt do you folks see it the same way ?? Abreak might even be welcome.


          • Well said, Stephen. Given the nature of the game, it's unreasonable not to expect its progress to be interrupted once in a while. I don't expect, and don't desire, for either of you to get replacements. FYI, I'll be traveling from the 27th of this month through around the 3rd of August or so, so I'll be unable to play during that time. Sounds like that won't be all that much of an inconvenience given the other absences.

            Also, Randy's isp is still down, so he expects to switch to another today. We should see him back online later today if all works well.


            • I'm Back! Switched from one local isp to another one, got online in less than 3 hours after signing up with the other one. Great!

              I;ll have to read the storylines later. Have a buttload of mail and games to do... :-/. It's great being backonline.

              Turn to Tench!


              • Year 2206 to Walt.

                From: Gaian Defense Minister
                To: Druid Tenchusatsu, First Advisor to Lady Deirdre

                Druid, have you noticed the Secret Project reports? It seems the Drones are building a Cloudbase Academy and a Cyborg Factory, two projects with frighteningly militaristic capabilities. Combined, they'll make our Maritime Control Center look like a Children's Creche.

                Speaking of which, the Cloudbase Academy project seems especially curious to me. Have the Drones actually been able to achieve flight?


                • 2206 to cbn.


                  • Offical Planet Cult Press Release:

                    While we understand that Robert Harkness deservedly met his fate by being executed, we must protest in the strongest possible terms the refusal of the Drones to release this criminal to us to be tried for his crimes. The matter should have been brought before the Council for arbitration due to the nature of the dispute; Mr. Harkness first committed crimes against the Planet Cult before the actions he committed against the Free Drones.

                    We must also protest the actions of a minor "prison" offical in refusing our diplomats the right to see one of our citizens being held by a foreign power. We request that the council bring sanctions against the Free Drones for abrogating the basic right of counsel for the accused, thus committing a minor atrocity.

                    Offical Planet Cult Press Release:

                    The Planet Cult rejects the idea of an "airspace convention", noticing that such rights as "airspace" are already included within the borders of a faction. Thus, adding regulation upon regulation for the sake of protecting one's borders is to demonstrate the denying of the right to free movement for any faction. Reasonable right of passage cannot be refused by any faction for any reason whatsoever.


                    • Guys, No problem about the delays. I would not want to see any of you replaced at all, I am enjoying this game wayyyy too much for that. I can live with the delays.


                      • 2206 is done and 2207 dawns on the Cult

                        Flight ?-- would I have planes and not mention it LOL?


                        Channel 10 News

                        We are proud to report two major Free Drones Accomplishments. The Cloudbase Academy was completed in 2206 and Channel 1o has learned that the Cyborg Factory is slated for completion in 2207. In a prepared statement the foreman stated " We are very proud of the CBA and hope soon that our food, energy and mineral production can be carried out in space and without polluting Planet. I have no comment on any other possible ongoing Secret projects".


                        Diary of foreman cbn

                        The people got quite a scare when that locust danced through our lands. Maybe the Gaians thought we could not shoot it down . . . . That plus the consistent rumblings about war on Planet means that I have to do something. This Cyborg thingamajig that the military wants should mean that we have the happiest troops on Planet. They tell me that a happy troop is even better in fighting off attack.

                        I was real proud to see that Cloudbase Academy finished . . . . To see my nephew zooming around up there with the rest of the cadets filled me with so much pride . . . . I only hope that the scientists are right and that this discovery means we can quickly start producing food in space . . . . Those Gaians are right-we have to protect this Planet . . . .


                        Diplomatic message to the leaders of Planet

                        We have been provided intelligence that indicates that some of you are attacking the Consciousness. This faction has been a long-time friend of the Free Drones and we would much prefer that they been left in peace. However, our intelligence information is scanty a nd we have not yet ascertained which faction was the agressor in this conflict.

                        In the same spirit that caused us to explain ourselves when fighting the Cult, we ask all warring factions to indicate the cause of this war and to confirm that they are not undertaking campaigns of imperial aggression. You are all requested to send a diplomatic note to council explaining your actions and intentions. It is my belief that it is the role of council to try to put an end to such disputes

                        The Free Drones have noted that the Gaians have overtaken them in many measures of factional power but only hope that they have gained the wisdom to use that power in peacedful means.

                        As to the case of the Cultist citizen executed on free Drone soil, we can confirm that it is the policy of the Free Drones that persons will be tried and punished for their crimes on our soil before extradition requests will be considered. As for the denial of access to him, the Cult national was guilty of a terrorist act against the Free Drone state. Terrorists have NO right of consultation with members of a foreign state.
                        Last edited by cbn; July 20, 2001, 06:22.


                        • 2207 to the Gaians.


                          • Year 2207 to Walt.

                            From: Druid Tenchusatsu
                            To: Gaian Defense Minister

                            I understand that you expressed concern over the recent Intellectual Golden Ages which have been popping up across the mainland and on some of our expansion bases as well. You need not worry at this moment. Yes, I know that our troops continue to suffer in morale. But you told me yourself that you'd rather wait for the military structures like the Bioenhancement Centers to be built before fielding a large army. And there is no way we can rapidly develop this sort of infrastructure without an enhanced economy.

                            Trust me, once we start training actual soldiers, we'll end our Golden Ages and our focus on Wealth, shifting instead to wartime production. By then our troops should be well-trained and powerful enough to overcome the inherent defensive advantages that the Peacekeepers have thanks to their Citizens' Defense Force.

                            Press Report

                            We hear rumors that a major counterintelligence project is nearing completion. Stay tuned.


                            • Transcript of Planet Cult Press Briefing:

                              Press Secretary Karmytin:

                              As of today, The Prophet has made an unilateral decision to recall our diplomatic envoys from the Free Drone capital, Free Drone Central, in protest to the infringing of our sovereign rights regarding a citizen who was recently executed over an unproven attack of "terrorism". The Free Drone faction has not presented any proof to us that Robert Harkness was the instigator or the person responsible for this so-called attack. Until proven otherwise, we must believe that the Drones staged this "act of terror".

                              The Prophet also wishes to say that the recent completion of the Cloudbase Academy and the completion of the Bioenhancement Centers by the Free Drones is of major concern. This only reinforces the belief that the Free Drones are engaged in a war of imperialistic conquest of this planet.

                              The Prophet rejects the call of Foreman Cbn for the council to mediate in the dispute between the Conciousness faction and others. Seeing how the Foreman controls the council, we have no confidence in the council's ability to mediate any matter.

                              Futhermore, we see the Foreman's warning about imperialistic expansion as pure hypocrisy. We believe that any and all factions have the right to determine their own destiny, and no one may infringe on such rights.

                              WNN reporter: Secretary, does this mean a declaration of war with the Free Drones?

                              Karmytin: No, it does not. It merely serves as a major warning to the Drones not to interfere with the other factions on Planet.

                              Reporter: What happens if the Drones do not heed this warning?

                              Karmytin: That is entirely up to the Prophet and the First Advisor. I have not been briefed on this subject.

                              Reporter: What are our plans to counteract the military advantages of the Drones?

                              Karmytin: No comment. This briefing is concluded.

                              (Karmytin leaves to the shout of many questions from reporters.)


                              • Diary of Foreman cbn

                                Oh my-- those Cultists-- this reminds me of the Cuban missile crisis back in ancien Earth-- the Soviets stood in council and stated there was no proof and then the U. S. trotted out the proof.-- I just don't get those Cult folks. . . One of their citizens attacks us and they somehow make us out to blame.

                                And this agression bit is laughable. They attack us years ago and we desist from our attacks when we are WINNING the war. Other than that one war we have fought nobody yet we are the imperial aggressors-- it would be funny if it were't just so stupid--

                                Dispatch from the Free Drones to the Planet Cult

                                Your call for proof has been heard. As the act of terrorism took place at a very public place and a popular tourist destination , you will find that the proof is quite extensive.

                                1. Signed affidavits from 14 Free Drone military personnell, 3 police officers and 87 Free drone citizens

                                2. Videotaped statements from
                                a) 15 Consciousness citizens
                                b) 8 Morganite citizens
                                c) 6 Cult citizens including 3 members of your clergy
                                d) 2 Gaian

                                3. Video feed from 8 security cameras

                                4. Video stills from 67 independent sources-- the originals of which are with the original picture takers

                                5. the live feed of Channel 10 News-- the incident occurred while they were doing a location shoot and both the attack and capture were carried live.

                                6. DNA testing on the vehicle and bomb fragments- we have enclosed the report and a small portion of these fragments

                                The Planet Cult have stated this man to be a criminal and implicated in various nefarious activities. Our proof is unequivocal and we merely exercized our sovereign rights within our own boundaries. We have attempted to be reasonable in this matter.

                                As for claims of imperial aggression, this is a laughable suggestion coming as it does from the Cult. Our only war EVER has been merely a response to Cult aggression. AT that time we heard the concerns about conquest raised by the Gaians and agreed to peace. We are merely raising the same concerns. The Consciousness have been our peaceful friends for many many years and they are claiming to be victims of aggression. We just had hoped to hear the positions of the other combatants before putting a view before council AND coming to our own views as a sovereign nation.

                                We continue to hope for peace between us and remind you of your treaty obligations. We have faithfully followed our treaty to the letter and expect your continued adherence as well.

