Hi there. It's difficult for me to do very much on this just now as I'm in the process of moving home to the UK from the US. I do have an internet connection now - very slow though
And the laptop won't run SMAC at the moment
Anyway, Dino I think the best think to do would be to email all the players and get a concensus on what to do next to get this game moving. People don't check the thread so often, so email is a better way to handle this. Once you're all agreed on a way forward, let me know.
Anyway this is a good time to start a new thread for the game, since I'm optimistic we'll be moving again shortly, and there's a 150-post limit on threads. The new thread can be found here.

Anyway, Dino I think the best think to do would be to email all the players and get a concensus on what to do next to get this game moving. People don't check the thread so often, so email is a better way to handle this. Once you're all agreed on a way forward, let me know.
Anyway this is a good time to start a new thread for the game, since I'm optimistic we'll be moving again shortly, and there's a 150-post limit on threads. The new thread can be found here.